3 Practical Tips To Save You Money
Bring your own lunch to work Although Boots meal deals might seem like a bargain, getting them every day of the week will soon drain your pockets.
You will quickly find yourself spending €60 a month on lunch! The key to reducing your food costs is to eliminate your dependence on daily convenient snacks and start bringing your own lunch to work.
Bulk buying sandwich ingredients at the start of the week from Tesco is an excellent way to save some cash and it allows you to create your own culinary masterpieces.
Invest in a bike Commuting to work can be expensive, whether you travel by car or public transport.
Cycling on the other hand is relatively inexpensive and of course is good for your health.
Consider a bicycle an investment in both your health and your financial wellbeing.
Although it requires a once off payment, it will pay for itself over several months in the form of avoided fuel costs/train and bus tickets.
Plus you will look amazing bicycle shorts! 3.
Spend a Euro save a Euro This is a highly effective saving technique but be warned it requires intense discipline and self control.
For every Euro that you spend, commit yourself to saving a Euro.
For example; if I spend 20 euro on junk food throughout the week, then I must save 20 euro to compensate for my frivolous expenditure.
With practice you will soon begin to scrutinise every monetary decision you make.
Try it out for a week and see how you do.
Although these tips are ideal for singles and working professionals, they can be adopted by almost anyone.
Whether your a penniless college student, a soccer mom or a thrifty business owner, saving is something we all need to do and these are just a few of ways to go about it.
Becoming a better saver is simply a matter of discipline and once you get into a habit squirreling away a few euros every month it becomes much easier.
Some people are natural savers while others are born spenders.
If you find yourself with little or no disposable income at the end of the month, try and analyse your spending behavior and see if you can make some changes.
Perhaps instead of buying a pair of Gucci shoes with your paycheck at the end of the month you should put it into a savings account or invest it wisely.
After all, you never know when your going to have a rainy day! Stay tuned for more.
Bring your own lunch to work Although Boots meal deals might seem like a bargain, getting them every day of the week will soon drain your pockets.
You will quickly find yourself spending €60 a month on lunch! The key to reducing your food costs is to eliminate your dependence on daily convenient snacks and start bringing your own lunch to work.
Bulk buying sandwich ingredients at the start of the week from Tesco is an excellent way to save some cash and it allows you to create your own culinary masterpieces.
Invest in a bike Commuting to work can be expensive, whether you travel by car or public transport.
Cycling on the other hand is relatively inexpensive and of course is good for your health.
Consider a bicycle an investment in both your health and your financial wellbeing.
Although it requires a once off payment, it will pay for itself over several months in the form of avoided fuel costs/train and bus tickets.
Plus you will look amazing bicycle shorts! 3.
Spend a Euro save a Euro This is a highly effective saving technique but be warned it requires intense discipline and self control.
For every Euro that you spend, commit yourself to saving a Euro.
For example; if I spend 20 euro on junk food throughout the week, then I must save 20 euro to compensate for my frivolous expenditure.
With practice you will soon begin to scrutinise every monetary decision you make.
Try it out for a week and see how you do.
Although these tips are ideal for singles and working professionals, they can be adopted by almost anyone.
Whether your a penniless college student, a soccer mom or a thrifty business owner, saving is something we all need to do and these are just a few of ways to go about it.
Becoming a better saver is simply a matter of discipline and once you get into a habit squirreling away a few euros every month it becomes much easier.
Some people are natural savers while others are born spenders.
If you find yourself with little or no disposable income at the end of the month, try and analyse your spending behavior and see if you can make some changes.
Perhaps instead of buying a pair of Gucci shoes with your paycheck at the end of the month you should put it into a savings account or invest it wisely.
After all, you never know when your going to have a rainy day! Stay tuned for more.