How to Add Top Soil
- 1). Till or rake the area receiving the topsoil, removing all dead roots, vegetable matter and rocks. Break up the subsoil completely. If you have a large area, you may need to use an electric tiller.
- 2). Use a hoe to incorporate compost into the tilled subsoil. Any organic compost will suffice in adding additional nutrients to the subsoil before adding the topsoil. A bag of compost should cover a plot 3 to 4 square feet in size.
- 3). Water the plot until it is moist but not overly wet or soaking.
- 4). Add the topsoil to the plot. The topsoil that you purchase should be from 2 to 10 percent organic material. Spread topsoil onto the plot with a tiller or by hand. Add just 2 inches of topsoil for the first application. Two weeks later add an additional 2 inches.
- 5). Add water and fertilizer as required by each plant.