DIY Sheds & Workshops
- Obtain a building permit as most areas require permits for building structures larger than 100 square feet. Don't build it too close to shrubs, other structures or trees, and provide up to three feet of space surrounding the entire shed to allow for adequate air circulation. The space around the shed helps to prevent the wood rotting from excessive moisture that can cause damage to doors, framing and floors which can also become breeding places for mildew and mold.
Make sure the plan you select is large enough and provides enough space. Depending on the usage of your workshop shed, you will need to consider running electrical and possibly plumbing and heating systems. Determine the need for overhead space and shelving, and add them to the building plan as necessary. Choose materials that are low in maintenance such as steel or fiberglass doors, fiber-cement siding, PVC trim boards and aluminum or vinyl windows. - DIY sheds and workshops must be built on a sound foundation, avoiding low-lying areas that are wet. Set pressure-treated wood timbers or solid concrete blocks on the ground, making sure they are level and are closely spaced to adequately support the floor frame of the shed. Use pressure-treated lumber to build the floor's flame to make it weather-resistant, and use exterior-grade plywood for the floor deck as it is resistant to moisture as well. Make sure the doorway is large enough to allow for entry of any equipment such as riding lawn mowers and tractors. Pay attention to door placement to avoid blocking areas of the shed. Follow the plan you've chosen to install the walls, construct the roof and complete your workshop shed.