Citing Internet Sources in Papers
- 1). Provide a document title, date of publication or retrieval and a Web address (URL). If possible, identify the authors as well. Make sure that the reader can type in the URL and be able to find the exact document.
- 2). Include all the parts of the URL address. The protocol (http, https, ftp), the host name www. (name of organization's home page), directory path and specific file name. It may look like this:
- 3). Use the basic book or print source format for Internet articles that appear in a book and online, for example: Freedman, Simon. How to Build your own Business. London, 2001. (Electronic Version)
- 4). Citing a section of an Internet document should be written like this:Garener Foundation: (1999, July 8) Barriers to generational gaps.In Senior Health: Making connections (chap. 3). Retrieved May 14, 2005. From