How to Teach Home Economics in Texas
- 1). Teach cooking, baking and nutrition courses in a kitchen setting. Allow students to cook a variety of simple meals including spaghetti, burgers and grilled cheese sandwiches, then move to simple recipes for bread, cakes and cookies. Introduce more intricate recipes after mastering those disciplines. Incorporate nutrition lesson plans while teaching basic cooking and baking skills.
- 2). Teach students basic sewing skills by having them attach pieces of fabric together with a needle and thread. Once the students understand how to sew by hand, explain the basics of working with a sewing machine such as how to thread a needle, wind a bobbin and sew in a straight line. Assign a large project after those skills have been mastered. Sewing project ideas include a stuffed animal, blanket or clothing.
- 3). Allocate a specific amount of fake funds to each student. Require students to pay from the funds for daily living costs, including food, personal hygiene products and entertainment. Assign careers so everyone will receive an income. Have the students keep track of expenses and incoming money on a computer spreadsheet or in a checkbook ledger. Introduce additional payments for housing, cars, cell phones, insurance and utilities. Consider taking the students to a car dealership or realtor so they can learn about the car or home buying process. Banks and grocery stores also make for informative money management field trips.
- 4). Provide each of the students with an item that will serve as a baby such as a flour sack, egg or doll. Have the students care for the babies for a specific time period lasting one to two weeks. Take the children to a hospital nursery or daycare center where they can view infants and toddlers. Incorporate family relationship lessons into the daily home economics plan. Teach students the importance of trust and communication in relationships whether it be with a parent, friend, spouse or child.
- 5). Teach students the importance of proper hygiene. Cover areas such as hand washing, dentistry and body odor. Include lessons on germs and communicable diseases. Explain how proper hygiene is maintained on a daily basis.