About Cushing's Disease in Guinea Pigs
- Cushing's disease in guinea pigs is related to levels of the hormone cortisol and involves tumors in the pituitary or adrenal glands.
- Symptoms of Cushing's disease include thin and dry skin, polydipsia and frequent urination, belly distention, and loss of weight and hair.
- Blood tests are used to confirm a diagnosis of Cushing's disease.
- Symptoms of Cushing's disease in guinea pigs can be treated with the drug L-deprenyl, but no cure for the disease is available at this time.
- Cushing's disease is common in some species such as dogs, but is extremely rare in guinea pigs.
- Because Cushing's disease is a hormonal disease, it is not contagious to other guinea pigs or to guinea-pig handlers or owners.
- A basic understanding of Cushing's disease in guinea pigs can be obtained more easily by looking at documentation for other species, although some guinea-pig case studies do exist (see Resources).