How to Register a Car Online in Maine
- 1). Go to the Maine BMV website to make sure your municipality allows online registration. Ensure you have more than seven days until your current registration expires, otherwise the site suggests going to your local BMV office to register your car immediately.
- 2). Have your current insurance information and soon-to-expire registration information on hand to conduct the online registration process. Document your vehicle's current odometer reading. Make sure your printer is ready to go so you can print out your registration confirmation.
- 3). Select "Motor Vehicle" or "Trailer" from the website's Rapid Renewal page. Choose your municipality from the list on the the following page. Type in your current registration's control number---there is an example on the page that shows you where to find it.
- 4). Enter your "class code" on the next page from the drop-down menu. Look at the example if you don't know where to locate it on your current registration. Type in your registration number, or license plate number, to continue.
- 5). Type in your name as it appears on your current registration, as well as the name of any co-registrants. After the BMV finds your registration, enter in your vehicle mileage information. Confirm all vehicle identification information.
- 6). Enter your insurance information, including the insurer's code, date of expiration and coverage limits. If given the option, choose how you want to pay for your registration renewal. Provide your payment information and print out your receipt.
- 7). Wait for your registration sticker to arrive by mail, but keep your receipt with you in the meantime.