Pharmacy Technician Certification: What"s the Real Importance Of It?
The workload as well as the complexity of duties when it comes to this line of work is continuously increasing.
All these being said, the need for certified technicians should also be implemented and shouldn't be disregarded.
Prescribed medicines are in an inclined rate these days.
This can be due to the fact that the elderly population all over the world is rising.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has said that people at the age of 60 and above is in need of at least one prescription drug for maintenance.
Because of the advancement in drug research more and more medicines are being discovered to maintain one's health.
Such drugs also promote longer life and a healthier well-being.
All these facts being laid on the table only means one thing and that is an increase in the elderly population worldwide.
This fact may not be a very good statistics for some people but it's a good opportunity for people aspiring to work as a pharmacy technician.
The employment for such job will surely to rise to meet the increased workload that is projected to burden pharmacies and healthcare system alike.
Technicians are widely seen in both community and hospital pharmacies.
They assist pharmacists when it comes to medication processing and distribution.
Their responsibilities include filling, order entry, and ordering medicines.
They also do medicine compounding and packaging.
Good communication skills is a must when it comes to this job because interacting with patients is also part of their duties.
As you can see being in this line of work can be very complex since one need to deal with patient's medication.
Therefore the need for pharmacy technician certification is a must.
To get certified only means that as a pharmacy technician you are indeed qualified and competent to perform your duties and responsibilities.
To be a CPhT means your credentials of excellence which can instill confidence to the public towards the pharmacy staff handling their medications.
A pharmacy technician certification can increase one's professional skills and knowledge related to pharmacy work.
Possessing a CPhT title can also give the holder the appropriate recognition of his wisdom in the said field.
Other benefits such as increased salary, employer preferred, promotion and better role awaits a certified technician.
The National Certification Exam is provided by The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) and the Institute for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians.
They are also the organization keeping the test up to the world standard to make each passer is the cream of the crop.