Stop Bleeding Gums
Dental complications such as bleeding gums can strike at any time.
Fortunately, there are temporary solutions to relieve any discomfort, and ways to stop the bleeding until you can see a dentist.
Here's a simple tip to stop lightly bleeding gums.
Squeeze a warm or cold tea bag until it is almost dry.
Then, gently bite down on it, pressing it onto the bleeding area.
Keep the tea bag in place for about 20 minutes, changing to a new bag as needed.
You will need to use a "regular" tea bag as it is the tannin in the tea that helps to stop the bleeding.
If you use herbal teas, check the ingredients to see if it contains tannin.
If your gums bleed heavily or continue to bleed even after applying the tea bag you should see your dentist right away as this can be a sign of something more problematic that you should get attended to right away.
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Copyright 2005, Michele Webb.
All Rights Reserved.
Fortunately, there are temporary solutions to relieve any discomfort, and ways to stop the bleeding until you can see a dentist.
Here's a simple tip to stop lightly bleeding gums.
Squeeze a warm or cold tea bag until it is almost dry.
Then, gently bite down on it, pressing it onto the bleeding area.
Keep the tea bag in place for about 20 minutes, changing to a new bag as needed.
You will need to use a "regular" tea bag as it is the tannin in the tea that helps to stop the bleeding.
If you use herbal teas, check the ingredients to see if it contains tannin.
If your gums bleed heavily or continue to bleed even after applying the tea bag you should see your dentist right away as this can be a sign of something more problematic that you should get attended to right away.
Publishing Rights:You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your website, free of charge, as long as the author's information and web link are included at the bottom of the article and the article is not changed, modified or altered in any way.
The web link should be active when the article is reprinted on a web site or in an email.
The author would appreciate an email indicating you wish to post this article to a website, and the link to where it is posted.
Copyright 2005, Michele Webb.
All Rights Reserved.