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Bankruptcy : Business & Finance
If I Have a Car Repossessed How Can I Get a Good Credit Score Again?
Having a car repossessed can be a traumatic experience resulting in additional financial hardship. On the upside, it can also be a stark reminder that it's time to get back on track with finances. It's not impossible to get a good credit score again after having a car repossessed, but it will take s
How do I File Business Bankruptcy in Iowa?
Running into financial problems is common, more so in unstable economic times. More people file for bankruptcy, which even though is not always the best option, can prove to be the best option available at that time. Filing for bankruptcy allows you to reduce your debt burden and reorganize yoursel
Can They Garnish Indiana Social Security in the Car Repossession Process?
Because Social Security is a federal program, Indiana residents fall under the same laws with respect to garnishment of benefits as do other Social Security recipients throughout the country. Under specific circumstances, the courts and the federal government can levy against your benefits to pay ce
How to Claim a Bad Debt on a Personal Tax Return
You can claim a bad debt as a deduction on your personal income tax return when the debt becomes totally worthless, meaning there is no chance of collecting it. It must be a bona fide debt, and you must establish that it is uncollected by showing that the debtor has not been repaying it in a timely
Choosing A Boulder Chapter 7 Lawyer
In order to fight against foreclosure, many homeowners choose to hire a CO foreclosure attorney to represent their case. It is definitely not a bad call, but it is important to find the right person along which you can communicate and collaborate.
In Bankruptcy Timing And Planning Go Hand-In-Hand
Just like in life and business, good planning will help you be successful at anything you do as well as save you money. This is the same in a bankruptcy filing. Proper planning will allow the debtor to leave bankruptcy with a successful discharge, were sloppy planning will end up in a disaster.
North Dakota Alimony Laws
Either spouse can be made to pay alimony in North Dakota at any time after the couple files for divorce. There is no clear formula or calculation to determine whether or not alimony will be awarded in any divorce case, as state law grants the court broad discretion in the decisions. Contact a qualif
Filing For Bankruptcy: Is There Another Way?
Filing for bankruptcy is not a decision that should be made lightly. You need to know what to expect, but you also need to have examined all of your options prior to filing. A lawyer can help with possible options you may not even be aware of.
Middle Class Family and Medical Debt Reduction - Debt Settlement Provides the Best Relief
Are you a middle class family? Do you have private health insurance? Are you facing the normal budget tightening problems due to the recession? Are you in a position to make regular repayments to your debt with a compromise on some other expenses?
Four Types of Bankruptcy
There are four types of bankruptcy to know about if you are considering filing. Chapter seven, chapter eleven, chapter twelve, and chapter thirteen bankruptcies have some specific differences, and knowing the specifics of each will help you decide which the best option for you is. If you have exhaus
Bankruptcy, The Last Resort
If you are in serious debt, you may think that filing for bankruptcy is your only hope, but before doing so make sure you know all the facts and keep in mind that bankruptcy should be your last resort. Bankruptcy is when a business or individual legally declared inability to pay its creditors. There
Bankruptcy Facts - What You Need to Know
An in-depth look at the personal bankruptcy process and the critical information consumers need to know. Guidance and tips to enable individuals make informed and thoughtful decisions.
Ways To Keep an Inheritance If Infidelity Occurs
Generally, fault in a divorce has no impact on what assets a court might consider to be your sole and separate property. If you receive an inheritance, it is almost always your separate property unless you commingle it, or join it, with property owned jointly by you and your spouse. Once you comming
How To Declare Bankruptcy - Top Tips
More and more people in the UK are finding that the best way to resolve their debt problems is to declare bankruptcy. Perhaps this is because the process is not as daunting as many might think.With the number of bankruptcies up 15% in the second quarter of 2009 compared with the same period in 2008,
How Far Back Do Credit Checks Go?
Credit checks are your ticket to everything from a new credit card account to a loan for furniture, a car or even a new house. The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco's website explains that the credit bureaus gather your financial data and compile reports for lenders. They cover your credit-relat
Preventing Foreclosure Via Bankruptcy
Nearly a million of Americans file for bankruptcy each year. In our struggling economy, it is all too common for someone to fall behind on their payments and become overwhelmed with debts. One of the biggest fears of people who are financially unstable is that they will lose their home to foreclosur
How to Buy Back Your House After Filing Bankruptcy
There are numerous false rumors that circle regarding bankruptcy and the ability to buy back a house after you have filed the motion. Some publications may state that you will have to wait up to 10 years to rebuild your credit enough to buy back a house. However, financial studies have shown that so
Debt Relief Options - How to Know When Bankruptcy is Right For You
Before you file for bankruptcy you should confirm that there is no other way left through which you can eliminate your debts and end the torture given by the creditors. It should be kept as your last resort when you are in severe financial crisis and you see no hope in sight. By declaring bankruptcy
How Often Can You File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Illinois?
Years ago, a debtor was sent to debtor's prison if he was unable to satisfy his debts. Luckily, the United States now makes it possible for a debtor to gain a fresh start and discharge most of his debts by filing for bankruptcy protection. Bankruptcy law is federal law. Consequently, the rules and p
Super System Changes Affect All
The new year will bring lots of changes to the superfund industry. The government has announced a number of changes that are going to affect your savings at the end.