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Economics : Business & Finance
Death of a Consumer Economy
In the U.S. the consumer accounts for 70% of GDP. With a $13 trillion economy the consumer generates $9 trillion dollars every year. Since our manufacturing and industrial base has been shrinking for years the U.S. consumer is once again expected to lead us out of another recession. The problem is,
The FDI Boom in India
In This article i look into the FDI Scene in India with the coming of the globalization era and try to do a comparative analysis of the FDI Scene between India and China and where India needs to improve upon if she has to overtake China in near future in relation to FDI Investment.
The Impact of EU Plans to Regulate Hedge Funds and Private Equity Firms
The EU reviewed the role of hedge funds and private equity in the financial crisis and drew some lessons regarding the need for EU level regulation of these fund types. The financial crisis had revealed that hedge funds could impact financial stability in ways that had not previously been expected.