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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical
Journal Article: Estimated Time for Colorectal Cancer to Spread to the Lungs
Cancer research - journal article. Estimation of the Time of Pulmonary Metastasis in Colorectal Cancer Patients with Isolated Synchronous Liver Metastasis. January 2005.
Chemo Combination May Treat Pancreatic Cancer
A mix of chemotherapy drugs could be considered for treating advanced pancreatic cancer, say Italian doctors in <EM>The Lancet Oncology</EM>'s online edition.
Experts Call for Redefinition of 'Cancer'
Many growths are slow to progress and nonlethal, only leading to unnecessary treatment, panel says
Breast Cancer Stages
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of breast cancer staging including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Blood Protein May Spot Pancreatic Cancer Early
But more research is needed before test is used for monitoring or screening, researchers say
Understanding MDS and Its Treatment
Myelodysplastic syndromes or (MDS) is used to refer to a group of cancerous stem cells that are dysplastic and lead to ineffective production of blood cell. When not taken care of, this condition migh
Patient Pathway for Breast Cancer: Turning Points, Aspirations
Improved survival from breast cancer can be attributed to a number of advances in the patient pathway from screening to advanced disease. What's next?
Cervical Cancer News Page
Find in-depth information on cervical cancer including symptoms ranging from abnormal vaginal bleeding to pain during sexual intercourse.
Management of Liver Cirrhosis in Patients With HCC
Recognizing the subtle signs of cirrhosis and the decompensation events are essential to the successful management of cirrhosis in patients with HCC.
Flax Is A Potent Breast Cancer Inhibitor
To understand how Flax Seeds can be so beneficial for Breast Health, let's take a look at the basics about these marvelous little seeds. Flax seeds have high levels of dietary fiber, lignans, vitamins and ...
Immunotherapy in Previously Treated Advanced NSCLC
Dr Jack West provides an analysis of practice-changing studies presented at ASCO 2015, with a focus on lung cancer.
Losing Weight to Prevent Colon Cancer
Do you weigh more than you want to? If I gave you ten seconds, you could probably rattle off at least five reasons why losing weight is a good idea. Here's one reason for losing weight that you might not think of.
Impact of the Small Intestinal Cancer
Small intestinal cancer is also referred to as €small bowel cancer' which is represented as the development of the tumors which is responsible for the growth of the cancerous cells that take place in certain ...
Super Foods That May Help Prevent Cancer
Research shows that these seven foods actually help prevent cancer.
What Will Happen When You' ve Got Mesothelioma Cancer
Mesothelioma is a cancer of the mesothelial layers covering a number of organs in the body, such as the heart, abdomen and lungs. This cancer is very rare and takes place in the protective lining underlying particular organs.
Ovarian Cancer: Coping With Malnutrition and Wasting
Cancer produces biochemicals that cause a variety of unwanted effects like fatigue, nausea, taste change, loss of appetite and general wasting of muscle. The treatments can actually make some of these symptoms worse and come with additional side effects. Discover what's available to cope with m
How to Treat Pancreatic Insufficiency through Diet
A natural way to help treat Pancreatic Insufficiency is through diet. Although diet can not simply cure Pancreatic Insufficiency it can help to improve the condition and help to prevent further complication. Below are the important diet changes that should be made for patients with Pancreatic Insuff
An Alkaline Diet and Cancer
There are lots of stories out there on HOW to cure cancer, WHAT to do about cancer, and HOW to deal with cancer.But until you have experienced it, you never know how you are going to feel.Today my article is about the benefits of an Alkaline diet.You will feel better very quickly and certainly healt
Bladder Preservation Treatment for Urothelial Bladder Cancer
Learn more about primary treatment options for bladder cancer, including an overview of bladder-sparing strategies.
Breast Cancer News and Features Page
Find Special Feature Stories and News on Breast Cancer Health at WebMD