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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical
Radiotherapy - What is it Like From a Patient's Perspective?
Radiotherapy is used to treat 60% of all Cancers. This article is a non-technical insight into what treatment is like, from a patient's perspective.
Can Bitter Melon Really Fight Breast Cancer? Find Out
According to the latest study, bitter melon extract is said to block breast cancer causing cells in women. But how far this holds the truth is yet to be proven.
Chemotherapy for Stomach Cancer
Stomach cancer is a relatively common cancer develops from the stomach lining. Loss of appetite, heartburn, nausea, and upper abdominal pain are some frequently symptoms of stomach cancer. In severe cases, difficulty swallowing, yellow skin, ...
Skin Self-Examination - What Does Skin Cancer Look Like?
Skin cancer is a common form of cancer which can usually be successfully treated if caught in an early stage of development. It's important to detect skin cancer early, because even melanoma, the most difficult form of skin cancer to treat, has a high recovery rate if treated before metastasis.
Oral Cancer Symptoms - Discover the Signs That Could Save Your Life
The next time you go in for your regular checkup, it might be a good time to ask your dentist or doctor to check your entire mouth for oral cancer symptoms. Since this kind of cancer can target anyone, regular checkups are the best time to look for signs of this disease in its early stage. Don'
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) refers to any type of cancer that originates in the lymphatic system of the body except Hodgkin's lymphoma, also known as Hodgkin's Disease.
Intraocular (Uveal) Melanoma Treatment (PDQ®): Treatment - Patient Information [NCI]-To Learn More A
For more information from the National Cancer Institute about intraocular (uveal) melanoma, see the Melanoma Home Page.For general cancer information and other resources from the National Cancer Institute, see the following:What You Need to Know About™ CancerUnderstanding Cancer Series: CancerCancer
Catch Skin Cancer at Its Earliest Signs by Consulting a NYC Dermatologist
Most people are vain when it comes to their skin and spend both time and money to keep skin smooth and blemish-free. However, having a good skin regimen is not enough. Despite your efforts, you ...
Valentine' s Day Gifts For Your Very Own Girlfriend Under $10
In order to win your girlfriend back you should to turn things on your head appropriate. When you see a falling star, don't wonder why, just make a wish. It's essential for you to get sure on that.My blog post; Girl Activation System Today
Advanced Cancer - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment
Advanced cancer is a stage when the cancer growth has progressed to a level which has been deemed as incurable. The focus in this situation is more on the symptoms. Cancer in different sites in the body may have predominantly differing symptoms. However, pain, easy fatigue, loss of weight and appeti
Postoperative Therapy for Malignant Teratoma?
An 8-cm pelvic mass was found in a 45-year-old woman who presented with a 2-month history of lower abdominal pain.
Honoring Patient Preferences in Personalized Medicine
Dr. Eric Winer describes how personalized medicine is not just about targeting mutations; it also fits treatment to the preferences of the patient with cancer.
How Fast Does Prostate Cancer Grow in 8 Years? There is No Great Rush!
If you are worried about your prostrate and want to know how fast does prostate cancer grow in 8 years, you don't have to worry too much as this is a very slow growing cancer. Like all cancers prostrate cancer is a serious problem, the difference is that you don't have to rush when making
Broader Gene Tests for Breast, Ovarian Cancer Might Benefit Some: Study
Women who don't have BRCA mutations could have other high-risk genes that affect treatment choices
Mesothelioma Diagnosis-How Do You Diagnose Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a serious cancer that advances quickly and aggressively. However the diagnosis of this type of cancer is not usually made until it has reached an advanced stage. This is mainly due to
Symptoms of Chronic and Acute Leukemia
Discovering leukemia while it is still in an early phase is crucial in its treatment because when the disease advances it starts to spread in the whole body and it's much harder to be treated.
Are Alternative Cancer Treatments Effective?
Even though modern medicine has come a long way in its fight against cancer, it is still not always effective against cancer. In many cases it does not lead to a complete curing and cancer will reappe
Breast Cancer Survivor - Teresa Miriam Van Hoy
Teresa Miriam Van Hoy is an assistant professor of History, mother, wife, and breast cancer survivor. She is active in education at many levels, and is working to address the disparities of care and survival for minority women, with a focus on American Latinas, and Chinese women.
The Online Usa Head Shop Source For Legal Bud, Herbal Smoke And Legal High Quality Smoke Blends
The herb smoke shop is a good alternative for smoking enthusiasts and its official website answers most of their questions by providing legal marijuana alternative and as if that is not enough, they e
What is Actinic Keratosis?
Actinic Keratosis is the second most common skin condition treated by dermatologists. Learn about the causes, symptoms and treatment options for this prevelant skin cancer.