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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical
Breast Cancer: An Overview Part II
Treatment Once breast cancer is confirmed, it is necessary to find the extant of the disease and its distant spread, the complete staging of the cancer might not be possible till surgery. Some of the common tests which are done to define the extant of the disease are complete blood count, mammogram
Lycopene Colors You Healthy
Lycopene is an antioxidant that lends its color to fruits and vegetables. Lycopene may help protect against some cancer. Lycopene has some heart health benefits, too. Learn more about lycopene here.
Breast Self Examination - Why Is There A Need?
For most women, breasts are the source of sensual pleasure.For some mothers, they find breastfeeding as a good bonding time with her baby.It is a way of nurturing the baby's life and keeping her nourished with antibodies.But there are occurrences wherein women face health challenges especially
Radionuclides for Patients With Painful Skeletal Metastases
Pain from skeletal metastases represents a major burden of advanced disease from solid tumors. A variety of medications and external beam radiotherapy are all effective treatments.
RT Cancer Treatment
RT stands for radiation therapy, a common way to treat cancer. About half of cancer patients undergo RT at some point during their treatment, as doctors commonly recommend RT in combination with chemotherapy or surgery.
7 Symptoms of Cancer That Everyone Should Look Out For
Cancer is one of the diseases that have been on the rise in the recent years. There are different types of cancer and this means that their signs and symptoms also vary depending on the area or body part that is prone to the disease. Just like any other disease early detection and diagnosis of cance
Genetic and Molecular Targets in Lymphoma
Get a concise overview of genetic and molecular events that drive cellular processes in lymphomas and represent potential therapeutic targets.
Clustering Of Mesothelioma Cases And Asbestos Exposure
Identifying asbestos exposure history is important in pinpointing disease development source
Elizabeth Edwards, Author of Resilience, on Her Breast Cancer Experiences
Elizabeth Edwards speaks with WebMD about her breast cancer, breast cancer treatment, and more.
What Is the Best Prostate Cancer Treatment for You?
With regard to someone that is told associated with prostate cancer, the toughest section of this is deciding of the sort of treatment that that you simply feel is most effective for you to own. There usually are several prostate cancer malignancy treatments you need to understand before making like
Cancer and Nutrition: Can Food Save Your Life?
Have you been already diagnosed? Get the basics of the cancer-nutrition connection, from WebMD.
Alternative cancer treatment by mcscancertherapy: Metabolic Cell Support
Alternative Cancer treatment can help to strengthen your immune system and put back the essential health that will aid your body in fighting the disease.
Can Lactose Intolerance Symptoms Get Severe?
Lactose Intolerance symptoms can be very uncomfortable and unpleasant. The symptoms vary in severity. Some may have a small bit of nausea but others may throw up. A few people may experience diarrhea while others have excessive gas. Abdominal bloating may accompany lactose intolerance or it may caus
Breast Cancer In Situ
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of breast cancer in situ, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Surgical Treatment for Prostrate Cancer
According to the Mayo Clinic, prostate cancer is among the most common cancers affecting American men. Nearly one in six men will be affected by the disease in his lifetime. There are a variety of surgical options available, which vary according to the position, size and type of prostate tumor you
Diagnosis & Treatment for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Learn more about the diagnosis and treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma from the experts at WebMD.
Breast Cancer Drug Exceeds Study's Goal
Early results from a study of the breast cancer drug Herceptin were so positive that the researchers stopped the study early.
Categories of Prostate Cancer Side Effects
A large percentage of prostate cancer patients undergo treatment every year. It might be through surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, they are still giving it a shot. If you only have limited options to keep your life, are you not going to grab it?
Mesothelioma Treatments and Information
Find out about varying mesothelioma treatments and what is available for you today. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer with a terrifying death rate. Caused by asbestos this disease can take 40 to 50 years to show up, and then progresses at an alarming pace.
Foods That Fight Cancer - Vitally Important in Overcoming This Disease
Diet is of paramount importance for those seeking a natural cancer cure. The quality of the foods we eat has a profound influence on the proper functioning of our bodies. Here is a general snapshot of foods that fight cancer.