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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical
Why Do Skin Cancers Return?
Skin cancers become active at different stages, we are fortunate for that because if they all became active at once we would not survive. When we get sunburned do we simply get burned on a very small area or do we normally get burned all over. Yet we expect to only have the skin cancer localized to
The Best Natural Treatment for Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer is characterized by excessive cell growth in the colon or rectum, which leads to the formation of cancerous tumors. Controlled Amino Acid Treatment (CAAT) is considered the best natural treatment for colorectal cancer.
More Younger Women Diagnosed With Advanced Breast Cancer: Study
Small, but steady, increase over past 30 years warrants further research, experts say
Physical Activity to Prevent Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is a potentially life-threatening illness. However, like many forms of cancer, you can reduce your risk of contracting by making appropriate lifestyle choices. Clinical studies have shown that people with a history of physical activity are less likely to contract colon cancer than the o
Immune-Related and Inflammatory Conditions
What forms of chronic immune stimulation are associated with Waldenström macroglobulinemia?
Cancer Specialist in Jaipur Offers Treatment That Carries Hope
Homeopathic cure are derived from mineral, plants and animal substances. They are mixed in water and shaken hardly many times till there is less, if any, of the genuine material left. This solution is used ...
Pancreatic cancer, the cause of Steve Jobs dies
According to experts, pancreatic cancer is not one common form of cancer. This cancer is one of the most deadly type of cancer. The disease is extremely aggressive, spreads rapidly and is often not di
Different Foods to Prevent Colon Cancer
Colon cancer, also called colorectal cancer, includes cancerous growths in the colon, rectum and appendix. With 655,000 deaths worldwide per year, it is the third most common form of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the Western world. Many colorectal cancers are thought
All About Cervical Cancer Survival Rate
Cervical Cancer can be described in four distinct stages. The said stages represent how much the cancer has grown and also how much of a threat it currently is. The stage of the disease also determines the appropriate treatment that needs to be applied to the patient.
Vulvar Cancer Treatment (PDQ®): Treatment - Health Professional Information [NCI]-Stage Information
The diagnosis of vulvar cancer is made by biopsy. The patient may be examined under anesthesia. Cystoscopy, proctoscopy, x-ray examination of the lungs, and intravenous urography (as needed), are used for staging purposes. Suspected bladder or rectal involvement must be confirmed by biopsy. The ...
Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are conducted to research the effectiveness of new treatments. At any one time, there are several prostate cancer clinical trials that are being conducted across the globe. Many different companies participate in conducting clinical trials.
Sun Exposure to Prevent Colon Cancer - Vitamin D to Lower Risk of Cancer
We all are afraid of the harmful effects of the sun. With all the warnings that UV rays are harmful to the body and can potentially cause skin cancer, we might all avoid sunlight altogether. In this article, however, I will tell you that sunlight exposure might be what you need to prevent cancer.
How to Prevent Colon Cancer With Natural Remedies
By the time you read this article you might already know what is colon cancer. Colon cancer is cancer in the inner lining of the colon, or the part of the large intestine that serves to remove water from digested food and let the remaining material, or stool, move through it to leave the body. Bowel
A Brief Explanation Of The Mesothelioma Lawsuit
The asbestos fibers affect the mesothelium, or the protective lining of the internal organs.
New Research Reveals That Natural Supplements May Benefit Prostate Health
According to recent statistics, 1 out of 6 men in the United States will develop prostate cancer, which is the second leading cause of cancer death (behind lung cancer) in males. While medical experts do not know why some men are more likely than others to develop this life-threatening disease, and
What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Recurrent Bladder Cancer?
The signs and symptoms of recurrent bladder cancer are no different from those that indicated bladder cancer initially. The stage and grade of the bladder cancer play a part in the likelihood of cancer recurrence. Even after a tumor in the bladder has been eliminated, either with surgery...
Types of Cancer Treatment
There are four standard methods of cancer treatment: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and biological therapy.
How To Hire An Online Advisor
Have you considered hiring a online advisor or a mentor for professional advice?Hiring an advisor or a mentor is actually not a new idea.For years, everyday people have hired experts for advice whether it's to launch a business, seek financial advice, or even Career Advice.
Melanoma Skin Cancer Medical Reference
Find all medical reference articles on Melanoma Skin Cancer at WebMD.