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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical
Prostate Cancer - 6 Prevention Tips
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer for men in Canada and the USA. Men over the age of 65 are most often diagnosed, but men as young as 40 may be at risk. Here are six steps you can take towards preventing prostate cancer
What Are the Treatments for Cancer Care in Dallas?
Cancer therapy depends on the particular situation and it involves several different treatments which act together to fight against cancer. There are lots of medications available to control cancer and to support the immune system. ...
Lifestyle Change Can Help Prevent Cancer
Cancer or malignant neoplasm in medical term is a disease in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth (division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood).It sai
10 Steps To Handle A Diagnosis of Thyroid Cancer
A diagnosis of thyroid cancer or any other condition or disease can be devastating. Does it have to be? Can you train your mind and body to deal with the situation making life a lot easier. There are steps.
Adenopathy (Lymphadenopathy)
Adenopathy, or lymphadenopathy, is a description of enlarged lymph nodes found on physical examination or scans. What does adenopathy mean if you have ovarian cancer? Learn the full definition of adenopathy (lymphadenopathy).
How Asbestos Affects Our Bodies
In short, asbestos is terrible for the human body. The resilient material, used for insulation, building material and fireproofing is capable of breaking down into extremely small fragments that can wreak havoc if inhaled.
Thyroid Cancer-Other Treatment
Information on radiation therapy and clinical trials for thyroid cancer.
Adjuvant Therapy With Low Risk of Relapse?
A 35-year-old woman underwent quadrantectomy and radiotherapy for a ductal infiltrating carcinoma.
Breast Cancer Screening Is Critical For Early Treatment
There is a risk that every woman must deal with in her life and sadly it claims the lives of too many women yearly. It is what robs us of our mothers, sisters, daughters, and our friends.
Staging of Testicular Cancer - Mapping the Spread and Giving the Appropriate Treatment
Staging of testicular cancer (or any cancer for that matter) is a standardised method of assessing how much spread there is in your body. By identifying your stage, the appropriate treatment can be given, adjusted for any unique circumstances. In this article, I'll discuss the broad staging of
MUGA Scans and Anthracyclines
Multiple Uptake Gated Acquisition scans, or MUGA scans, may by ordered if you are going to have anthracycline chemotherapy. Learn more about MUGA Scans and anthracyclines here.
How to Do a Male Breast Self Exam
Men who are a high risk for developing male breast cancer need to know how to perform a monthly male breast self exam (MBSE). This is a form of early detection that may save your life. Learn how to do a male breast self exam.
Colon cancer screenings
Experimental colon cancer screening technique not yet ready for widespread use.
Mangosteen Might Help - It's Worth a Try!
I am a cancer survivor. I use mangosteen to help deal with the side-effects of cancer treatments.
Cancer Effects Emotionally And Physically
Cancer can cause a variety of physical and emotional effects in your life. Cancer effects can include fear, anger, loneliness, feeling of guilt, sadness and depression, stress, anxiety, and more. Cancer is not a death sentence; learn how to deal with each of those feeling
Prostate is a glandular organ present only in males. It surrounds the neck of bladder & the first part of urethra and contributes a secretion to the semen. The gland is conical in shape and measur
What Is Palliative Care?
When people think of medical care, they usually think of treatments that are intended to directly treat an illness, such as taking antibiotics to fight an infection. However, this is not the only type of ...
Endocrine Cancer Therapy
Endocrine cancer is a form of cancer that originates in the endocrine glands, such as thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands. The most common type of endocrine cancer is thyroid cancer. The development of cancerous tumors in the endocrine glands adversely affects hormone production and hormone levels
The Role of Cancer Research in Noncommunicable Disease
The cancer research community needs to be fully engaged with developments following the UN meeting on noncommunicable diseases. Are you there yet?
Skin Cancer and Dermatology - A Good Place for Treatment
Cancer - It's one of the most frightening words in the English language, and increasingly, skin cancer is becoming a real concern among many. Unfortunately, it's not an easy prospect to face.