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Gardening : Home & Garden
How to Cut Down & Spray Paint Real Trees
Aside from the trees on the side of the road with a spray-painted heart and two initials in the middle, using a spray paint on a tree can be helpful for art or construction projects requiring fresh wood and a new coat of paint. Cutting down a tree and spray painting it is a straightforward process,
Homemade Birdbaths
Birdbaths help to attract wild birds to a yard. Instead of purchasing a birdbath at a garden supply store, you may make your own using simple construction methods. A few homemade birdbath ideas will help you decide on the right design for you.
John Deere Landscaping Tools
The John Deere brand offers many tools for landscaping.heavy construction equipment image by palms from Fotolia.comJohn Deere is a well-known producer of tools and products for farming, gardening, maintenance and landscaping. John Deere offers tools for any landscaper, including the...
Flower Lady at the Boston Flower Show
Photos of Boston Flower Show. Unusual displays at the Boston Flower Show.
Lawn Care Solutions - Removing Johnson Grass!
Johnson grass is a tall weed that thrives in places where there is a lot of water present. Mostly, this weed grows alongside river and stream banks, but could grow on your lawn if you have puddling or other drainage issues or you live near a body of water.
Small Water Features
No contemporary garden would be complete without introducing water somewhere in the design. With modern equipment, small water features are easy to install. Creating a water feature used to require considerable planning and some serious excavation, but the development of easy to install kits and rel
How Can I Use Fencing To Transform My Garden
Gardening is a great hobby, and there are plenty of ways for homeowners to turn their landscape into an inviting oasis. Using fencing to create separate areas is one approach that is often used.
Gardening in the Spring
Spring is the busiest time for gardening, regardless of where one lives. There are a wide variety of chores that have to be performed before a person can start the fun part of planting new flowers and watching them bloom.
Grow your own fruit and vegetables
Top tips on what do you do if you can't get onto an allotment waiting list,and would like to start to grow your own fruit and vegetables. Here are some ideas to get you up and running.
Make Easy Compost
Composting can be a fulfilling and easy activity for people with even a little bit of space in their yard. The benefits are great - you'll be processing some of your own waste, turning a liability (in the landfill) into an asset (in the garden). Your soil will benefit and reward you with bigger
Hvad Er Den Mest Effektive Mde At Drbe Ukrudt?
Ukrudt er et problem for alle dem, der har en have. Denne artikel hjælper dig med at identificere, hvilke typer du har, og råd om, hvordan vi bedst tackler dem.
Tips For Upside Down Tomato Growing
Who doesn't want a fresh tomato right off the vine? But what if you have lack of space. But now its possible to get fresh tomatoes from your own garden, even if you don't have ...
Tips For Growing a Successful Perennial Garden
The best thing about perennials is that they come back year after year, with no effort on your part.All you have to do is plant them once, do a little maintenance every season and that's it!To get you started, here are some tips to ensure that your perennial flower garden thrives year after yea
Design Your Own Garden!
Make sure you point which way is north, as this will be handy when you need to choose which plants you want. Map out any utility pipes or cables if necessary. Next thing to go on your 'map' will be ex
How to Get to Robos in "Maplestory"
In the online role-playing adventure "MapleStory," a robotic toy enemy named Robo appears at Level 61. Players may also encounter a stronger version of Robo named Master Robo, which appears at Level 63. Both enemies may drop common or rare items when killed, and both drop items for specific characte
What Kind of Tool Is Needed to Make Topiary?
A topiary is a shaped shrub or tree. Topiary styles can be small and simple, or large and complicated. Traditional topiaries consist of boxwood, yew, climbing hydrangea, fleece vine and cypress, but you can make smaller topiaries with herbs such as rosemary. Depending on the shape and size of your t
Tips For Planting Window Boxes For Year Round Beauty
Window boxes and other plant containers can be enjoyable year round. Just because it might not be summer any longer does not mean those pots have lost their use until next year. Create some texture and color for winter box use.
How to Set a Vertical Sundial
A vertical sundial is a dial that is placed on a wall rather than in the ground. As a device used to measure the position of the Sun and therefore the time of day, it needs to be set very precisely in order to be accurate. Setting the vertical sundial correctly entails aligning it with the axis of t