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Gardening : Home & Garden
Grasses That Need Partial Sun
Ornamental grasses are useful in the garden for their prized foliage and fall bloom displays. The strap-like leaves of grasses often form upright fountain-like clumps that offer form contrast from other garden perennials. Many varieties of ornamental grasses are suitable for growing in partial sun c
Problems With Garden Sprayers
Garden sprayers are a very effective tool to apply liquid herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers to the landscape. They come in many sizes and styles and are made by several manufacturers. They typically are plastic tanks that house 1 to 2 gallons of liquid solution and have a pump and hose attache
How to Create a Container Display for All Seasons
Container planting does not have to be confined to seasonal displays. If you have an area such as a patio where potted plants look at their best, it is a good idea to mix both seasonal displays with more permanent planting. Shrubs and perennials do just as well in containers as they do in the ground
Organic Vegetable Garden - What Should You Do to Treat it Well?
Gardening vegetables in an organic vegetable garden is not as unproblematic as eating the vegetables straightforwardly after serving them on your table. Gardeners or farmers working in an organic vegetable garden have to do enormous things harder than gardeners or peasants in general vegetable garde
Herb Garden Plants - Curry Leaf Tree - Hot Property
No ordinary herb garden plants these. Leaves are small and pinnate, each 25 to 50mm long and up to 30mm wide. The smallish shiny berries are black and may be eaten. Be warned that the seed is poisonous. It has pretty, scented small white flowers.
Chelate Iron Fertilizer for Oak Trees
Yellowing of pin oak leaves is a possible sign of chlorosis, which may be treated with chelated iron.Hemera Technologies/ ImagesOak trees, and pin oaks in particular, are susceptible to chlorosis, a potentially deadly condition. Chlorotic trees result from conditions...
Tips For Your Home Gardens
Home Gardens can be a lot of work but they are also satisfying in many ways.Here are some home gardening tips that will ensure that you will have years of enjoyment from your labors.
Companion Plants for Nicotiana
Nicotiana or flowering tobacco gives off a sweet scent in the evening.nicotiana flowers image by Alison Bowden from Fotolia.comNicotiana is a species of flower that sends a heady perfume out from its blooms in the evening. It is also known as flowering tobacco or jasmine tobacco because...
What to do with your Doggie Doo
We've always had a dog and for as long as I can remember I have been cleaning up dog poop. Everyday I get my plastic shopping bag and a shovel and patrol the yard. I ...
Making a Practical and Functional Birdhouse
Making birdhouses can be a very satisfying hobby for ornithologist and many other people who just love to watch birds. First you can admire your handy work every day; secondly you will be able to provide protection and shelter for the birds along with food and water to help keep the birds in your ya
Sweet Watermelon Favorites With Old-Fashioned Flavor
The flavor of hybrid melons which have been created to travel long distances, can't compare to that of watermelons grown from heirloom seeds. The sweet crispness associated with the deep red heart of is best when enjoyed fresh from the garden. Home gardeners are able to save this type of seed y
Container Gardening - Tips on How To Choose Healthy Plants
Container gardening is a method of growing portable plants that might otherwise be impossible to cultivate because of unsuitable soil or climatic conditions. Container gardening caters to your imagination because it asks that you combine plants of all colors, shapes, and textures together to enhance
African Violets - How to Care for This Popular Flowering Indoor Plant
Under the right conditions, African violets bloom nearly all year round. They thrive in temperatures between 16 and 22 degrees Celsius. In the summer, your violet will enjoy a westerly or southerly window but in winter they may need a little extra light.
When you Should Use a Lawn Roller?
Keeping your lawn smooth and flat helps when trying to maintain a healthy well manicured yard. Lawn rollers are used to level ground for more precise mowing, as well as for packing down new sod and se
Buying a Hydroponic Kit and finding out what it can do to help you
The word "Hydroponic" has been derived from the Greek word "hydro", which means water and "ponos", which means labour. It is the technique of growing plants on water without any soil. Plants are only grown ...
Shape up your lawn with professionals - check out these helpful instructions and get the best servic
If you have a lawn then its wells and pumps will require timely maintenance. Proper irrigation service will not make then working properly but also it will increase the lives your pumping machine and
Tips For Taking Care Of Outdoor Fountains
One way to create an area of interest in a garden, lawn or yard is to install a fountain. There are several different sizes of fountains available from large, in-ground designs to freestanding pedesta
Hydroponic DripAnswering Your Questions
So what is a hydroponic drip system?There are a lot of types of hydroponic techniques and the drip irrigation system is one of it.The drip irrigation system is the most commonly used hydroponic technique, because of its simplicity and effectiveness in plant cultivation.In this system, plant nutritio
Essential Tips You Need to Know Before Sowing Seeds
There are many different lawn seed mixtures available, for hot sunny environments, semi-shady sites, and for areas which will get very hard wear. Naturally, the finer the grass, the more expensive it is going to be to buy.