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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical
Top Mistakes People Make When They Don't Quit Smoking Right Now
It is a mistake when you have tried smoking way before your younger years. It was an experiment, a risky venture that led to a lifelong faulty addiction. Given that you are growing up, it is time to fix the mistake you have once made.
The Two Best Ways to Quit Smoking Forever
Many people quit smoking every year but what the media don't tell you is that most start again. So what is the secret to quitting and not starting again? Find out in this article.
Why You Need Potassium -- And How Much
Find out why the mineral potassium is so important for nervous system functionality and other bodily functions. In what foods can you find potassium?
Is Drug Rehab in Senator Jim Webb's Recent Campaign
Senator Jim Webb, chair over the Joint Economic Committee Hearing recently pointed out major flaws in our drug policy. The question on the table is, will the senator's voice ultimately embrace the long overdue alternative of treatment spending instead of incarceration?
Stop Smoking Hypnosis Rates
Ever wondered how well hypnosis really worked, to help people quit smoking? We discuss the recent findings of a clinical study to answer this question.
Cycle of Celebrity Addiction Highlighted As Celebrity Rehab Revisits Past Patients
Whether you are a fan of Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew or not, it cannot be denied that this television show did help thrust several real life, horrific examples of what addiction can actually do to a
How Will Your Smoking Affect You?
It is well known that smoking is harmful to your health. Yet people still take up smoking and continue to smoke. I have always found this difficult to understand, especially when you see the real cost of smoking - the pain and suffering caused both to the smoker and to their family. Every cigarette
The Key To Recovery From Drug Addiction
On the road down into drug addiction, there are many changes the addict goes through. In the end, one of those changes is the key to recovery.
Why Many Fail to Quit Smoking
Hundreds of smokers around the world are committing themselves in quitting smoking yet only a few number will be able to succeed in quitting nicotine addiction. This process has been going on yet majority of smokers just can't find the way to quit this filthy vice. What does it really take in o
The Effects of Smoking and Alcohol on your Skin
Although smoking is best known for causing lung cancer, this habit is also among the biggest threats to your skin.
How To Quit Pot - 4 Tips To Quit Weed Addiction Forever
While Marijuana is not a hard drug like heroin, cocaine or ice and has not been linked to cancer and heart disease like cigarette smoking the overuse of pot has ruined or inhibited many lives. Whatever your reason for wanting to know how to quit weed forever these tips for quitting pot may help you
Treatment Works of Naples FL
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Treatment Works of Naples FL
Quit Now, Smoking Health Issues
Quit now, smoking is bad for you. It's no secret that smoking is a dangerous to your health, but it also very costly and it smells bad. Here's some motivation to help you quit.
You may give up smoking really
Want to prevent cigarettes? Really don't want in order to become addict in nicotine? It is possible to plus you will probably. Think of why using tobacco is usually in a person's life. What purpose ...
The Easy Way to Quit Smoking Using Nothing But Your Imagination
Make no mistake: imagination/creative visualization can help you stop smoking - easily. The real withdrawal pangs from nicotine are insignificant - don't believe what everyone is trying to tell you. Your mind's images are the blueprint from which your world is built! Just decide how you&ap
Drug Rehabilitation Program Graduates Are at an Increased Risk For Suicide
Most people end up in drug rehab programs through "interventions" where everyone they know sends them on a guilt trip to get them into rehab. This often leads to depression and eventually suicide.
Help Someone Stop Smoking
We all tend to have honest intentions when we choose to assist someone in a time of need or when we feel they are in danger. If you want to help someone stop smoking you should tread carefully before making any suggestions to quit whether your comments or suggestions are of a negative or positive na
10 Ways to Destroy Junk Food Cravings
Junk food cravings can make you miserable and result in weight gain if you overeat. Learn how to beat your food cravings with these ten tips.