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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical
What To Do When You Face Liver Pain Symptoms
The most basic and high chance of detecting liver disease is by a blood screening test. However you may also feel pain that may in a specific area, but you cannot be sure which kind of pain is it. The
Why Vitamin E Is Good for You
When I lived in New York back in the 80s Vitamin E capsules and liquid form was easily available to buy in drugstores. I used the liquid for my face knowing that vitamin E is great for the skin. I returned to Switzerland in the late 90s and was at a loss to understand the Swiss pharmacist who inform
What Does A Shingles Rash Look Like?
A shingles rash is a painful manifestation of the virus which causes shingles. This is a condition wherein the skin develops painful rashes which turn into blisters which have fluid in them.
Mudra for Regularising the Menstruation
Mudra for Regularising the Menstruation To form this mudra as shown in figure cross the fingers of both hand in such a way that the tips of both thumb should touch each other. Fore-finger of ...
Should I Be Worrying About Bird Flu?
Viral infections that cause respiratory problems are called influenza, or flu for short. These include avian or bird flu viruses, which exist naturally in the gut of wild birds without causing any trouble. They are, however, highly contagious and spread very fast.
Here Is What You Can Do About Asperger's Syndrome
A ton of people, be it youngsters or adults, who have Asperger's syndrome could be led to believe that their lives are going to be largely isolated from society. This can be a wrong notion ...
How To Get Rid Of Bloating Using Natural Remedies For Bloated Feeling
Bloating is a common complaint all over the world, and this bowel problem can make your life miserable if you don't know what to do about it. There are many treatments for bowel problems, and you can get fast relief from digestive problems if you are armed with the correct information.
Panic Away - Learn the Secrets to Stop Panic
Many people all over the world suffer from panic and anxiety. This is actually a serious condition that not many people really know about until they start suffering from it. Lives are greatly interrupted with ...
Different Useful Cervical Spine Surgery Procedures To Treat Neck Pain
Cervical spine problems affect the neck and the arms. Its symptoms include pain, difficulty in grasping things, and weakness in the shoulders. The majority of cervical issues take place because of changes in the neck ...
Kidney Stone Prevention - Know the Myths and Facts of Prevention
What we intake and ingest plays a major role in our quest for kidney stone prevention. We may read several materials informing us to avoid this and that but there are some other explanations we need,
A Short Look Into The Damaging Impact Of Obesity
It is fairly common awareness that being obese is a dangerous state for your overall health. The annual cost is numerous tens of billions of dollars in the US for all the similar problems linked ...
The Best Natural Shingles Treatments
There are effective natural Shingles treatments that one can use that will shorten the risks for any complications of Shingles and speed up the recovery process. This is especially helpful when the rash is around the eyes which may cause blindness, or other severe consequences.
Alcohol Allergy Symptoms and Asian Glow Cure
There are a variety of symptoms of an alcohol allergy. For some just a little redness in the face occurs and maybe some itching of the skin or a runny nose and for others a ...
Introduction of Down Syndrome
Down syndrome is one of the common genetic disorders in the community. It is discovered by John Langdon Down in 1866.
Bluze Erectile Dysfunction Herbal Treatment Honest And Unbiased Review
Bluze erectile dysfunction herbal treatment is widely recommended for curing impotency in males, an honest and unbiased review reveals its efficacy in treating the problem. Males gain optimum erection due to hydraulic effect of blood. ...
Pain Management - Sharing Is Good But Not When It Comes To Pain Killers
We have heard about the consequences of pain killer overdose. We have also been told about the side effects of most over-the-counter pain killers such as liver damage, stomach ulcers and stomach bleeding.
Symptoms And Treatment Of Appendicitis
Appendicitis is an inflammation of a scolecoid shoot of a blind gut – an appendix. An inflammation caused by pus-producing microbes which get into appendix with a blood or a lymph. As the reason of di
Upper Cervical Chiropractic solving the Fibromyalgia Puzzle
Fibromylagia is one of the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed conditions we face today. It is estimated that approximately 1 in 50 Americans or between 3 to 6 million people have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia according ...
A Short Glance Into The Negative Result Of Obesity
Many years of study and medical expertise show how much obesity is harmful to health. The expenses to contemporary society in the US is staggering and approaches several hundred billion dollars every year. Of course ...
What Is Hyperthyroidism and the Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism happens in humans once the endocrine gland is hyperactive and produces excessive endocrine. this can speed up the performance of the body functions and cause symptoms like trembling, weight loss, and look of tension. ...