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Neurological Conditions : Health & Medical
Olfactory 'Stress Test' May Detect Preclinical Alzheimer's
Could a change in olfactory performance, as measured by a simple, inexpensive test, be a useful screening tool for early Alzheimer's disease?
ADHD: Social Skills Training-Related Information
A list of topics related to ADHD: Social Skills Training.
Sciatic Pain Relief Following Myelogram
A myelogram is a detailed image of the spine that is produced by sticking a needle in the spinal canal and inserting contrast material or dye. The dye provides a better view of the spine as a fluroscope helps detect certain abnormalities, including the cause of sciatica pain. According to the articl
Minimally Invasive Approach for Adult Degenerative Scoliosis
Minimally invasive surgical correction of adult degenerative scoliosis presents specific technical challenges and limitations. In this review, the authors present their preferred approach.
How Common Is CIDP Misdiagnosis?
Dr Barclay reviews the results of a study exploring the diagnostic pitfalls of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.
Diagnosing Dopamine-Responsive Dystonias
Dopamine-responsive dystonias are potentially treatable, but often misdiagnosed. What's the best approach to confirm a suspected diagnosis?
How to Regenerate the Myelin Sheath
If you suffer from a condition such as multiple sclerosis that damages the myelin sheath protecting your nerve fibers, you will be pleased to know there are ways of repairing damage to myelin. Normally, the body can repair damage sustained by myelin sheaths, but if scarring occurs then healing can b
Refractory Epilepsy
WebMD explains the causes, symptoms, and treatment of refractory epilepsy, which develops when your seizures aren't brought under control by medicine.
Your Child, Sports, and Epilepsy
Most kids with epilepsy can do just about anything, including sports. Learn from WebMD what precautions you should take.
ADHD Environmental Factors
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of ADHD environmental factors including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
New Drugs Help Child ADHD, Adult ADHD
Newer drugs are proving to be successful in treating child ADHD and adult ADHD.
Third International Stroke Trial 3
IST-3 sought to determine whether a wider variety of patients might benefit from tPA treatment than current guidelines suggest, especially those aged over 80 years. What are the findings?
Cures for Neuropathy Pain
Neuropathic pain can originate from several underlying causes, including shingles, fibromyalgia, chemotherapy and diabetes. If there is an underlying illness, it is best to treat the cause of neuropathic pain to relieve the symptom. There may not be an illness associated with this pain, but there ar
Obesity Could Increase Risk of Alzheimer's Disease
It's serious news for overweight people: Obesity may increase your risk for Alzheimer's disease.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)-References
A list of resources for information on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
The RUC: A Primer for Neurointerventionalists
Neurointerventionalists may not be well informed about the Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC), which plays a critical role in determining physician payment. What do you need to know?
Assessment of Sleep Benefit in Parkinson's Disease
Some Parkinson's disease patients have reported a beneficial effect of sleep, wherein mobility is improved immediately upon awakening. Is the effect real--or wishful thinking?
What Is Rhizotomy of the Neck?
Rhizotomy of the neck is the deadening of the nerves of the facet joints of the neck. The deadening is usually accomplished using radiofrequency energy. Deadening these nerves can provide pain relief by disconnecting the nerves carrying pain signals to the brain.