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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical
Pregnancy - The Holistic Miracle!
Pregnancy for some is wonderful and exciting, for others getting pregnant is easy and regular. But for some pregnancy is just a dream yet to be fulfilled, often for no explainable reason. Too many hea
Best Time For Pregnancy
The best time for the first pregnancy is between 18 and 25 years Some women choose to conceive a child during the study, the other shortly after, third, first ensure the financial security and a ...
Best Sexual Positions For Getting Pregnant
The best sexual positions for pregnancy to occur should ordinarily be sexual positions that would allow deeper penetration and ensure that the semen stays inside the woman even after the penis is removed. There are many sexual positions that are enjoyed by various couples but there are some that sho
Cure a Yeast Infection While Pregnant
If you have a yeast infection while pregnant, do not ignore it. There are several simple home treatments available to relieve the pain and also to cure the yeast infection while pregnant. There are options. Do not ignore your yeast infection while pregnant.
Narcotic Painkillers in Pregnancy Common, Harmful to Baby: Study
Smoking, use of antidepressants may add to harms
Recover From Childbirth in No -time Flat: 3 Tips to a Speedy Postpartum Recovery
3 simple tips to help ensure a comfortable and speedy recovery after childbirth. Recovery made simple.
How You Can Get Pregnant When You Are Over 40
Some women have a difficult time getting pregnant. This is especially true if the woman is over 40 years of age. In fact, according to the Office on Women's Health, the chances of a woman getting pregnant decrease significantly after the age of 30.
What's the Procedure of IVF With Donor Eggs?
Donor eggs may possibly be an solution for partners whose eggs might not fertilize or could not generate healthful embryos because of to sophisticated maternal age, reduced ovarian reserve or for othe
Your Pregnancy To Do List
What have you done this month? Hopefully pregnancy brain hasn't let you forget the important stuff.
Ever Thought About Natural Contraception? How Effective is It?
Contraception - it's not a very exciting sounding word - it can be an even more difficult subject! There are many alternatives - in this article we look at taking the natural road.
Is it Normal to Experience Spotting During Pregnancy?
If you notice light spotting during your pregnancy, get to your doctor as soon as you can, even if the bleeding stops. More than likely this is just a normal sign of pregnancy, however it could be something more serious.
Vasa Previa
Vasa previa is a potentially devastating pregnancy complication in which fetal blood vessels grow across the cervix and can rupture during labor. Vasa previa may involve velamentous insertion of the umbilical cord and can develop in association with placenta previa. Undetected vasa previa can lead t
Anatomy of the Fallopian Tubes and Infertility
The fallopian tubes are located on either side of the uterus. They continue outwards towards the ovaries. At the end of each fallopian tube is a fimbria, or finger-like structure that reaches out towards the ovary to catch eggs when they are released. The fimbria stimulates the ovary when it is time
Ultra Sound Procedure and Types
Ultra sound is a medical procedure that works by using high-frequency sound waves to examine internal organs in a patient but mostly carried out for pregnant women. It scans female pelvic cavity and abdomen to form a picture of the fetus and placenta. Sonogram and ultrasound are the terms different
Ectopic Pregnancy
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of ectopic pregnancy, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
An Overview of the Safe Exercises to Engage In During the Third Trimester of Pregnancy
Often, we are always reminded of the need to engage in exercises. Exercises ostensibly bring forth fundamental benefits to our general well being. Unfortunately, most pregnant women fallaciously believe that engaging in exercises could be fatal during pregnancy.
What is Infertility and What Can I Do About it?
It is not everyday that people discuss the subject of infertility, not even the couples who try to get pregnant. It is a very touchy and delicate matter that an elaborate definition to the question what is infertility is set in the confines of their bedroom or in a medical clinic.
Treat Infertility Naturally
As we all know, conventional medicines play an important role when it comes to treating any ailments and health problems and most of the time as well it is the first and foremost treatment. But some just cannot afford to buy such expensive medications and to undergo such high priced treatments that
Acupuncture and Infertility Treatment - Combine to Improve Your Chances to Conceive
Acupuncture is effective in the treatment of many ailments, and acupuncture and infertility treatment used together have shown to improve many couples chances to conceive. Acupuncture is self healing by stimulation. This allows the body to increase the flow of blood to the uterus, which improves the