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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical
Morning Sickness Causes - Pregnancy Without the Sickness Can Be Done If You Want!
Are you looking for a way to be pregnant without all the morning sickness causes that are out there? Did you know that the eastern society are the ones that know how to avoid this completely? There are many things you can do to not have the bad sickness that most women get with pregnancy. Here is wh
How Do People Get Pregnant
Getting pregnant is not always as easy or speedy procedure as most women believe it will be. So many individuals put such great attempt into avoiding pregnancy, that it seems like the moment a woman w
Being Pregnant And Pregnancy Complications: Know And Be Prepared
Being pregnant is something that makes most women very happy. This is so especially for those who have been trying to get pregnant for a long time. However, having conceived is no guarantee of delivering a healthy baby. This is because of complications that develop during pregnancy. The following ar
Spermicides: How Effective Are They?
WebMD explains the role that spermicides play in birth control and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
Diet, Lifestyle Changes Cut Some Infertility Risk
Women who followed at least five certain lifestyle and diet behaviors were about 80 percent less likely to have infertility from ovulatory disorders than women who followed none of the behaviors, a Harvard study concludes.
Maternity Swimwear - Top Looks For Summer
Maternity swimwear is no longer just about functionality and you shouldn't feel the need to cover up just because you're pregnant. Swimming is great exercise for you and your baby and it is possible to feel stylish and fashionable while you work out!
Most Popular Baby Girl Names in 2011
The Social Security Administration's top 1000 names for girls.
How to Find a Person in a Hospital
Having a loved one, friend or family member in a hospital can be a stressful and difficult time for everyone involved. WebMD states that it is important for the patient to have a friend or relative who can stay at the hospital and advocate for them. In some cases, finding a person that has been admi
Infertility Tests Every Aspect of a Couple's Life
Patti Gellman rode a physical and emotional roller coaster for two years trying to get pregnant for the first time.
How to Read an Answer Ovulation Kit
Ovulation prediction kits measure a hormone in the female body called luteinizing hormone or LH. According to Megan Clarke of, LH surges 12 to 36 hours before an ovary will eject an egg during ovulation. Using the kits can help couples time intercourse to help sperm meet the egg. The
Antiphospholipid Syndrome and Recurrent Miscarriages
Antiphospholipid antibodies may cause recurrent miscarriages in some women, but are rarely associated with any symptoms before that. The most common antibodies tested are lupus anticoagulant antibodies and anticardiolipin antibodies. Treatment with heparin and low-dose aspirin may improve pregnancy
Timeless Secrets For Natural Fertility
Discover what the Chinese have known for centuries; natural herbal healing promotes sexual vitality. The natural state of health for the human body is to be fertile. So how does one achieve natural fertility? Through the use of herbs and foods to regulate the hormones within your body and support co
Pregnancy and Alcohol - Are we Hypocrites?
Pregnancy and alcohol do not go hand in hand. There has been numerous medical studies proving the deleterious effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Yet, many people minimize the evidence and keep taking generous amounts of alcohol during pregnancy thus exposing the unborn fetus to its dan
Have a Smooth Pregnancy by Following Some Pre Pregnancy Tips
Pregnancy is a very important and a special period for all women. Almost every woman loves to experience this special moment. However, several pre pregnancy tips need to be kept in mind as they are ...
The Secret of How to Get Pregnant Fast
"I want to get pregnant fast"-This is exactly what lingering in the minds of women decided to start a family. It is really exiting that a woman gets pregnant fast.
Fish Oil During Pregnancy - Is it Safe?
Taking fish oil during pregnancy is tempting thanks to the studies that have revealed the amazing benefits infants receive when a breastfeeding mother takes a fish oil supplement. Yet, many women still wonder whether it is completely safe while the infant is still developing in the womb. The answer
Fish Oil and Pregnancy - Is it Safe For Your Baby?
If you're pregnant you know you need to pay more attention to the foods you eat to be sure your baby is getting the proper nutrition. But when it comes to fish oil and pregnancy, you may be confused. After all, fish is full of DHA and EPA, two important fatty acids that your child needs to have
Pregnancy & Fertility - How Can I Cure My Infertility? Taking the First Step To Success in Fertility
Can you cure infertility? This is the first step towards experiencing success in your fertility.
Packing for Labor: 5 Things You Really Don't Need
When you're packing your bag for the hospital, here are some things you shouldn't pack.
Recognizing Maternity Acupressure Spots
For midwives and trained professionals, finding maternity acupressure spots can be easy, or even a matter of habit, but what if the expectant mother wants someone she feels more comfortable with performing the maternity acupressure while she is in labor? If the birthing partner she chooses has no ex