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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical
Efficient Natural Fertility Treatment
Advanced methods are a very popular choice employed by people to help solve infertility. However, there are also a lot of natural methods which can be followed which can be efficient as well.
A Heads-Up Warning on Concussion: High School Athletes Vulnerable
High school athletes with three or more concussions have a much higher risk of severe symptoms.
Pregnancy, Prenatals, Healthy Baby - What You Need to Know
Pregnancy is such a critical time, and you want to do everything you can to provide the right combination of vitamins and minerals to ensure a healthy baby and pregnancy. Some birth defects have been linked to the lack of vitamins and minerals. How do you pick the correct prenatal vitamins to ensure
Stop Morning Sickness - How to Cure Your Morning Sickness
Not all women who become pregnant will experience the nausea and vomiting. However many do and it is not long before they are searching for remedies on how to stop morning sickness.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Ovulation
If you are trying to get pregnant, determining the exact time of your ovulation is of vital importance. You can use a number of methods, including the signs that your body is sending during the fertility days.
Infertility and Reproduction Medical Reference
Find all medical reference articles on Infertility and Reproduction at WebMD.
Early Pregnancy & Endometrial Biopsy
An endometrial biopsy is a way of collecting a sample of tissue from your uterus for lab examination. The procedure is done to screen for cancer, polyps, cysts or to determine the cause of abnormal vaginal bleeding, but an endometrial biopsy is also often done as part of an evaluation for infertilit
Pregnancy After Miscarriage - Telltale Signs That You Are Ready
Pregnancy after miscarriage often is difficult, as unplanned and unwanted miscarriages are often more traumatic than unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. Essentially, the difficulty lies in the great a
Infertility and Damaged Fallopian Tubes
Fallopian tube damage is a common cause of infertility and tubal ectopic pregnancy. A fallopian tube blockage typically prevents successful passage of the egg to the sperm, or the fertilized egg to th
Baby Gender Prediction Tips
It is absolutely natural for couples to wonder what their baby's gender will be. In some cases, they would even resort to online baby gender quizzes or baby calculators just so they can compute the odds of conceiving a girl vis-a-vis a boy. If you are not a big fan of surprises and you want to
Evaluating and Treating Male Infertility
There are three basic treatment categories dedicated to this problem: drug therapy, assisted reproductive technologies and surgery. The treatment used in each individual case is designed to correct any mechanical or other problems the patient may have that are preventing him from effectively reprodu
How to Get Pregnant With a Tilted Uterus
Women generally have a uterus that remains in a vertical position. Roughly twenty percent of all women have a uterus that tilts backwards against the pelvic wall. This condition, if a symptom of an underlying condition, may interfere with her ability to get pregnant and carry a baby to term. It may
How Chinese Medicine Can Help You To Get Pregnant Fast
You may have come across the natural herbs and techniques used in Chinese medicine, but most probably you don't know how to get pregnant fast using the 3 elements of Jing, Qi and Shen. It is absolutely crucial to understand the synergy of balance that is necessary for these 3 parts of your bein
Second Trimester
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of the second trimester of pregnancy, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
IVF Embryo Screening: Pregnancy Boost?
Screening the embryos of an older woman undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) for genetic defects -- a procedure known as preimplantation genetic screening -- does not boost her chances of pregnancy, as hoped, and appears to worsen her chances, Dutch researchers say.
Tips on How to Get Pregnant Easier - Top 3 Mistakes Couples Must Avoid While Conceiving a Baby
You must have made a lot of efforts for getting pregnant and still have not succeeded. Believe me, you are not the first one who is looking for tips on how to get pregnant easier.
Miscarriage - A Living Nightmare For The Expecting Moms And Pops
A miscarriage is the natural end of pregnancy when the developing embryo or fetus is less than 20 weeks old and incapable of surviving outside the womb. Miscarriages that occur less than six weeks after your last menstrual period are referred to as an 'early pregnancy loss', whereas miscar
Pregnancy Keepsake Is A Way For A Mother Of Storing All Stages Of Her Pregnancy
Pregnancy keepsake enables a mother to save some of the most memorable moments during the pregnancy. It also allows her to note some of the first scans that are taken of the baby during the ultra sound scans. Baby diary is often the only memory that parents have left over once their children move on
Ways to Induce Labor Naturally - Advice For Expectant Parents
There are ways to induce labor naturally that pregnant women can try at home. If you are near your due date and delivery still hasn't occurred find out how to jump start your labor so you can greet your newborn son or daughter.