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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical
Car Seat Buying Guide
Just the facts and basics on car seats for your new baby from forward facing to rear facing, we've got up covered (at least until 80 pounds!).
Studded Condoms Perfect For Heightened Sensation
Condoms today are no longer limited to just the plain smooth types. It is because they also come now in the textured styles meant to increase sensation and pleasure during sexual intercourse. So who says you can't enjoy an intimate sexual experience even with condoms?
False Positive Pregnancy Tests
Not sure if your pregnancy test showed true or false results? Make sure you read this then!
How to Write a Birth Plan - An Overview
There are two main reasons for writing a birth plan. The first reason is that you need to plan ahead for major events so that you know what to expect. When you are in the middle of labor, it's difficult to think clearly about alternatives and make a decision.
How to Relieve Common Pregnancy Side Effects
There is often great rejoicing when you discover you're going to have a child, but there is a downside. Back aches, Braxton-Hicks contractions and morning sickness, among other problems, can be painful and annoying. What can you do?
Women's and Care Providers' Views of Quality Prenatal Care
Do women and their various healthcare providers view the quality of prenatal care differently? This new study discusses the issues.
Headaches During Pregnancy - What Is Normal?
Headaches during pregnancy are very challenging as over the counter pain killers are not recommended. Within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy the surging hormones play a part in the development of pregnancy headaches. The 40% increase in blood volume that occurs during pregnancy increases pressure wi
Choose the Sex of Baby by Doing This Before Having Intercourse
If you want to choose the sex of your baby there is something that can be done before having intercourse that will significantly boost your chances of having the gender that you want. Yes you read that right, as there is a strong possibility that you can choose the sex of baby by doing this before h
Signs of Heat Distress
The body is pretty effective when it comes to regulating body temperature. As external temperatures rise, the body increases sweat production, respiratory rate and blood flow to facilitate cooling. When the temperature is over 101 degrees, or when high humidity is present, the body has difficulty ma
Common Problems During the Third Trimester of Your Pregnancy
Pregnancy is wonderful but back aches, breathlessness, rib pain and high blood pressure can all leave you worn out and overwhelmed. Is the last stage of pregnancy going to be the hardest part of all?
The Healthy Mum and Bubs Review
Planning your pregnancy? Take the first step by getting information on what to expect when planning to have your first child. When planning your pregnancy you should consider what potential problems and health risks you ...
How to Grow and Fertilize Salal Berry
Salal (Gaultheria shallon) is a hard worker in the garden. Gardeners trim it to the soil for groundcover, shear into shrubs, grow it for its delicious black berries and leave it to its own devices, allowing it to sprawl and spread. If you want the salal to grow in a more dense form and you live in a
Read This Article To Learn More About What You Need To Do During Pregnancy
Pregnancy can be exciting for some people, but some people associate pregnancy with the illness, pain, and some behavior changes. This article can help you manage your symptoms of pregnancy effectively. It is a great source to educate yourself about pregnancy.
B's HomeBirth Story - a long one...
An amazing story of love, loss and birth. (With a happy ending!)
Top 4 Healthy Pregnancy Tips: What to Eat When Pregnant
Those first few weeks of pregnancy can feel just awful. Knowing what to eat when pregnant can change all that. The morning sickness that lasts all day, the fatigue that sends mom to bed at 5pm and the
The Five Stressful M's of Pregnancy
Pregnancy can be a very exciting time because a new family addition can be a joyous event. However while happiness fills your heart an expecting woman can also experience many other stresses. Here are five stressful things that a pregnant woman might encounter during pregnancy.
Fastest Way to Get Pregnant Naturally and Can It Help Me?
So you are looking for the fastest way to get pregnant naturally? I can safety assume that you have heard about the birds and the bees and realise that sexual intercourse is the best bet, but lets look a bit deeper and see if we can uncover the secrets to getting pregnant the fastest way possible.
Treating Infertility - 3 Ways to Naturally Increase Your Fertility Levels Instantly!
Most women desire to become mothers someday, and many have had this desire since early childhood. If you are one of these women, and you have been diagnosed with reproductive infertility, then you know the feeling of sadness and loneliness that you get whenever you watch other mothers playing with t
Pregnancy Back Exercises to Overcome Backache Problems
Pregnant women develop backache problems but the back problem has a tendency to differ from person to person.There are multiplicities of factors which have a tendency to affect the body with pain in the back which is akin to poor body mechanism during the course of pregnancy.