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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical
7 Tips for Finding a Natural Childbirth Friendly Practitioner
Natural childbirth is a personal option and one that requires some support from from your doctor or midwife. But how do you know if your practitioner is supportive of your plans or simply tolerating them?
Pilates During Pregnancy
Pilates during pregnancy is something the new generation of active women should definitely be able to appreciate. That should be no surprise at a time such as this when we have endless information and technology to use to our advantage. These days, women are much more accepting of the fact that thei
The Value of Labour Support During Caesarean Birth
You may have recently found it that it is necessary for your new baby to be born via caesarean or perhaps this is your choice. You may wonder why you would need a trained labour assistant or doula for a surgical birth. Isn't just having your partner there enough?
Obesity in Pregnancy May Raise Infant Death Risk
Babies born to obese moms appear to have an increased risk of dying before birth, at delivery, and during their first year of life, according to a new study.
Increase Your Chances to Get Pregnant Naturally With Holistic Methods
Trying to increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally without risky drugs and expensive medical pregnancy procedures can be a daunting task. When you are trying to get pregnant there can be many reasons for your apparent infertility, and you probably can not get any two doctors to agree on a
How to Induce Labor Yourself - Advice For Expectant Moms
When you are nearing your due date, you are getting really excited to finally meet the baby that you have been taking such good care of for 9 months. However, your body just doesn't want to go into labor and the baby doesn't want to come out. Now your body is in an intense amount of pain a
Solution for women pregnancy problems
Due to improper body state or natural complications, women can suffer complications in pregnancy. The pregnancy state complications and complications in reproduction make women unable to reproduce or
Physically Demanding Work Bad For Pregnancy
Physically taxing work conditions -- like prolonged standing, heavy lifting, and night work -- may increase a woman's risk of having a problem pregnancy, say researchers who reviewed many studies of the issue.
Morning Sickness Information and Help
Morning sickness or NVP is sometimes trivialized as a minor inconvenience of pregnancy, but it can have a significant, adverse effect on day-to-day activities and quality of life. The support of friends and family can help a person to cope. Fortunately, for most women, the nausea ceases after the fi
How to Share a Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor
The trials and tribulations of trying to conceive can be expensive. Thankfully, many products on the market will allow a woman to know what her best days to conceive are from the comfort of her own home. One of these products is the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor. This monitor will tell a woman he
How to Prepare For a C Section - 4 Tips For When You Get Home
As if having a new baby isn't stressful enough, now you have to prepare for major surgery and the recovery. Having been through the process three times, here are my top tips to help things go smoothly once you get home.
Hemorrhoid Pregnancy - Six Natural Tips You Can Use Now
Hemorrhoid pregnancy, a term used to describe swollen veins in your anus and rectum area, amongst pregnant women. Also know as piles, and can affect men and women equally, and can be an embarrassing topic of discussion, but are really quite common amongst the general population.But most women experi
How Pregnancy Can Boost Brain Power
Most new and expecting mothers will tell you that being pregnant has a definite impact on their mental abilities. Decreased amounts of sleep and fluctuating hormones accompanied by the numerous physical changes the body goes through during pregnancy undoubtedly affects a woman's ability to thin
Best Chance to Get Pregnant
Searching for the best chance to get pregnant? This article reveals helpful tips which men and women struggling to get pregnant can utilize to enhance their chances of giving birth to a child. Read th
What Do Your Dreams Suggest While the Most Beautiful Dream Prospers In Your Womb?
Pregnancy is one condition where a woman undergoes tremendous changes, at both physical level and also at emotional level. According to studies on an average a normal woman experiences maximum number of dreams of her life during pregnancy.
Choosing An Infertility Center
When a couple is faced with an infertility problem the emotional weight they carry can be devastating. The emotional distress can cause doubt on every decision made including when it's time t
How to Get Pregnant Tips - 3 Pillars of Conceiving
Women looking for how to get pregnant tips can often feel frustrated at all the different answers that so called experts give them. Some doctors say this and some specialists say that - it can ...
Chances of Getting Pregnant During Ovulation - The Best Tips For Getting Pregnant During Ovulation
What are my chances of getting pregnant during ovulation? This is the question which many married women ask to the doctors when they are looking to conceive a healthy baby naturally. There can be several odds for getting pregnant naturally during your ovulation period. Read further to discover the d