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stomach,intestine & Digestive disease : Health & Medical
Monitoring Treatment Response in Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Could monitoring certain biomarkers help clinicians to better understand treatment response in eosinophilic esophagitis?
Patients With Chronic HCV Who Need Early Treatment
Is there an efficient way to predict disease progression in patients with chronic hepatitis C, and how does this assist clinicians with determining which patients might need early treatment and close monitoring?
Post-ERCP Pancreatitis: Review of Preventive Strategies
Are there specific drugs that can help to prevent post-ERCP pancreatitis? This new study explores the therapeutic options available to clinicians.
Reassessing Crohn's Disease After Anti-TNF Therapy
Is it safe to discontinue therapy with anti-TNF agents in patients with Crohn's disease after 12 months, or are these patients likely to go into treatment withdrawal?
Ulcerative Colitis Surgery: What Are the J-Pouch (IPAA) and Ileostomy Procedures?
If you have ulcerative colitis and need surgery for it, your doctor may recommend one of these procedures: the “J-pouch,” or an ileostomy. WebMD explains what they involve and what to expect after the operation.
Bile Reflux Treatment
Bile reflux is a condition that occurs when bile rises from the small intestine into the stomach. Unlike acid reflux, it is not caused by excess stomach acids, though it may occur in conjunction with acid reflux and is sometimes treated in a similar fashion. Bile reflux can cause intense stomach dis
What Not to Eat If You Get Heartburn Frequently
When seeking relief for heartburn, one of the first places to start is with your diet, the types of foods you eat. Understandably, many suffer from chronic heartburn because of a medical condition. However, a very large percentage of people suffer heartburn as a result of what they eat and their per
Stomach Gas Removal
If you suffer from gas, even the smallest amount trapped in the stomach can create considerable discomfort. Whether the gas results from an underlying condition or as a natural byproduct of digestion, home and medicinal remedies can help you find relief.
Differential Diagnosis for Right Upper Quadrant Pain
The abdomen is a large portion of the body containing vital organs. For examination purposes, the abdomen is divided into four quadrants: right upper, right lower, left upper and left lower. When describing pain or other symptoms, healthcare providers refer to the corresponding quadrant as this help
Managing Barrett's Dysplasia and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
Read this new consensus statement to find out the most current and widely-used approaches to diagnosing and managing early-stage esophageal adenocarcinoma in patients with Barrett esophagus.
Antitumoural Immunity in Colorectal Cancer
Is there a significant increase in the risk of CRC among patients with chronically impaired immunity?
Choosing the Right Food to Eat for Acid Reflux
Developing a diet consisting of the right food to eat for acid reflux and then following that diet is the first step towards recovering from acid reflux disease. Nevertheless, it can be a daunting task to identify the right food to eat for acid reflux, and then to follow that diet.
How to Test for Lime in Ceramics With Acid
Lime refers to a number of inorganic calcium compounds that are produced from calcium carbonate. Lime is a strong base when mixed in solution and is used in many applications to raise pH, such as water quality control and gardening management. However, the presence of lime or other calcium compounds
Wedge Pillow for Sufferers of Acid Reflux
Conventional medicine has proven to be very effective in treating acid reflux and heartburn, however most doctor prescribing anti-suppressants recommend the use of these pills for only a short period of time. Today, there is a clarion call for the use of holistic remedies like the wedge pillow for t
Herbal Cure & Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is a condition caused when digestive acid travels backward from the stomach to the esophagus. The esophagus is the tube that leads from the mouth to the stomach, and when irritated can create heartburn and nausea. Herbal cures for acid reflux can be beneficial in treating this condition,
Effective Heartburn Cure and Herbal Treatment
Stomach produces certain acids to digest food, heartburn awakes whenever this acid escapes from stomach into esophagus. Know useful effective herbal remedies for heartburn.
Diagnosing and Treating Pancreatic Disease
Can most pancreatic diseases and malignancies be effectively managed with ERCP and/or EUS-FNA? This new study investigates.
Remedies for Gas Problems
Gas can be an embarrassing and painful condition that may be occasional or chronic. It tends to be associated with some foods more than others. It can also result from medical conditions. Remedies range from diet supplements to pills to special teas.
Lactose intolerance: Too Little Is Known
In a draft statement on lactose intolerance,an expert panel says we need more research, not necessarily less dairy.
Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS) for Cirrhosis-Topic Overview
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) is a procedure that may be used to reduce portal hypertension and its complications,especially variceal bleeding. A TIPS procedure may be done by a radiologist,who places a small wire-mesh coil (stent) into a liver vein. The stent is then ...