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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
Willow Tree Flower Characteristics
Pussy willows are known for their soft, furry catkins.Jupiterimages/ ImagesWillow trees are members of the Salix genus, which contains several hundred species of trees and shrubs. These trees are primarily native to the Northern hemisphere, and are commonly grown as...
Daylilies That Bloom All Summer
Most re-blooming daylilies are descendants of the yellow 'Stella D'Oro.'Flower image by Luke Haverkamp from Fotolia.comThe daylily's scientific name, Hemerocallis, means "beauty for a day." Each blossom opens and dies within a day, and the older varieties of daylily bloomed for a month or...
How to Control Tomato Wilt
Tomatoes that wilt prematurely either have an infection or nematode infestation. The key to proper treatment of the tomato plant is determining the cause of the wilt by examining the symptoms the plant is displaying. With proper diagnosis and treatment, you can prevent future crops from getting thes
How to Feed Arborvitae
When you choose trees for a landscape with a purpose in mind, you may narrow your selection to trees that will grow quickly to fulfill your purpose. Arborvitae evergreen trees can perform energetically in a sunny landscape to provide privacy or a windbreak. Keep arborvitae trees healthy and vibrant
Herbicides for Ditches & Ponds
Maintaining a ditch or pond is vital for its health or effectiveness, which means if there are too many weeds growing, you will need to act fast to get rid of them before they become a problem. Weeds can quickly cover a pond or ditch, reducing or completely eliminating the sunlight penetrating the w
How to Force Peonies to Bloom
Peony blossoms are cut before they have opened on the plant. This means that the flowers will last longer after they are harvested. However, it also means that they often remain closed long after you get them home. The best way to deal with unopened peonies is to leave them to bloom on their own wit
Flowers for Direct Sunlight in Florida
The climate of Florida is semitropical, with hot summer temperatures exceeding 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Because those temperatures are often coupled with 100-percent humidity levels, Florida gardeners often find gardening a challenge. The state sees its most pleasant weather during the...
What Kind of Pit Is Needed to Graft an Almond Tree?
Grafting is the processes of combining two different plants to make something new. However, this surgical processes will only work on trees that are in the same genus. Almond belongs to the genus Prunus, and can be grafted to the root stock of any other plant in this genus. Ideally, you should graft
Diseases on Rose Bushes
Diseases on rose bushes include fungi and viruses. While there is no spray for the viruses, there are for most of the fungi, but prevention is the best road to take. Fungus infections can be prevented by making sure the soil is well-drained and that there is enough room between the plants to allow
How to Identify a Mulberry Tree
The mulberry tree has many distinct aspects that you can utilize to identify it. Among them are the shapes of their leaves; mulberries are polymorphic, a term that means it can have leaves of varying shapes on the same tree and even on the same branch. Two main types of mulberries grow in the United
How to Propagate & Wound Cryptomeria Japonica
Cryptomeria japonica is the scientific name for what is commonly called the Japanese cedar. This is a fast growing evergreen coniferous tree that is not, in fact, a true cedar. In the wild, C. japonica can grow to over 100 feet tall. In cultivation, depending upon variety, the tree can grow to 60 fe
Problems With the Streaks on Leaves of African Violets
The vibrant flowers of the African violet plant are generally accompanied by lush green leaves that outline the bright blooms. Any sign of discoloration on the leaves is certainly the result of some type of problem, so colorful streaks on the otherwise-green surface are often easy to spot and are a
How to Maintain Tulips
Even if you've never grown tulips, the colorful flowers are among the easiest to cultivate and maintain, particularly in USDA plant hardiness zones 3 to 8. Once you plant tulips, you can leave them alone and they'll return year after year. However, with a little bit of maintenance, they'll thrive an
How to Tell Difference Between Basil & Mint
Basil and mint are herbs that have numerous uses. Basil is popular in Italian as well as many southeast Asian cuisines. Mint is typically found in Middle Eastern and Asian cuisine and is used in drinks and desserts. If you are unfamiliar with these herbs you might easily mistake one for the other, b
How Long Does It Take for a Daisy to Grow?
Daisies are a perennial flowering plant commonly grown in gardens. Perennial plants survive winter dormant periods and grow fresh from the roots each year. The plants above-ground growth occurs new each growing season. Some varieties of daisies reach heights of several feet, accomplishing all the gr
The Fastest-Growing Bamboo
Bamboo is a grass that has a range of varieties, such as tiny grass bamboo growing only a few inches high and the giant timber bamboo growing up to 25 feet tall. It is one of the world's fastest growing plants, second only to the Pacific giant kelp. Like many grasses, bamboo grows and spreads throug
Yellow and Black Bugs Are Eating My Geranium Leaves
While often considered to be a plant free of insect pests, there are a few bugs that plague the geranium. Identified by their vibrant, strongly scented foliage and bright flower clusters that range from white to red to pink and combinations of all three, geraniums are often used both as a bedding pl
List of West Virginia Rare Plants
The Allegheny Mountains of West Virginia are home to many rare plants.trees and rocks image by blaine stiger from Fotolia.comKnown as "The Mountain State," the rugged topography of the Appalachian mountain range defines the state. Many of the heavily forested areas of the state fall...
Foxtail Grasses
They may look delightfully fuzzy, but foxtail seed heads are prickly, unpleasant pests that spread readily into your lawn and garden. Once part of your yard, they wait for warm weather before sprouting into clumps of coarse grass. Three species of foxtail grass (Setaria spp.) will make themselves at