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Mental Health : Health & Medical
Little Known Facts to Help Alleviate the Symptoms of Panic Attacks
One of the major tips for panic attacks is understanding what one feels like. Imagine walking down the aisle of your supermarket, pushing your cart along and filling it with things from your shopping list. Then you go and stand on the check out line behind 5 other people. All of a sudden, you start
The Best Treatment Tips for Panic Attacks
Panic attacks come on at any time of the day or night.If you're ever been so scared and out of control, then you've probably had a taste of what a panic attack feels like to the typical sufferer.Ever feel as if you were in immanent danger and had to flee?That's kind of what a panic at
How to Treat Chronic Migraine Without Prescription Drugs
A migraine headache can ruin your day--and if it's not treated successfully, you may still be suffering several days later. Although there are prescription drugs available to ease your pain, sometimes migraines respond well to treatments you can do yourself, as well as to over-the-counter medication
Contraindications for Piracetam
Piracetam is a nootropic agent, which is a memory and cognition enhancing agent (popularly referred to as a "smart drug"). Piracetam has been proven to improve oxygen utilization in humans. According to the journal "Nutrition," "Animal studies suggest that piracetam may improve neuronal...
Stress Management Without Medicine
Stress and depression can be very serious situations. Turning to medicine should be a last resort. With proper natural routines, these situations can be managed effectively.
The Natural Ways to Deal With Panic Attacks
Find out how natural methods to deal with panic attacks will give you a long term solution and with less risk. As panic attacks have become pretty common (unfortunately), there is a wide variety of treatments and ways to deal with them, and each individual has to choose what is best personally.
Harmless Pack Rat or Compulsive Hoarder?
WebMD takes a look at hoarding -- why some people are prone to keeping everything and how to treat the problem.
Presentation Ideas for Strength-Based Counseling
Strength-based counseling takes a unique approach to therapy that diverges from more traditional psychoanalytic approaches. While traditional psychotherapy would slowly move deeper to search for the source of negativity and trauma, strength-based counseling seeks to uncover the positive strengths an
Meditation For Beginners - Achieve A Monk-Like Meditation!
Here is an easy way to get a deep meditation that will leave you refreshed and focused for the day. First of all, you need to find a quiet space to meditate. Use earplugs or find a way of making white
How to Stay Abstinent From Drugs & Alcohol
There's a reason why alcoholics and drug addicts refer to themselves as "recovering" rather than "recovered." Addiction is a lifelong condition that never truly goes away, even with people who have been sober for years. The key to staying on the wagon -- beyond commitment to the process, work throug
Coping With Panic Attacks
1 out of every 10 of us will experience a panic attack during their lifetime. These attacks are very scary but are not physically dangerous. During an attack people will feel out of breath, heart palpitations, chest pains and an overwhelming sense of fear. They think they have a heart attack, or a s
Schizophrenia - Information on Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia, from the Greek roots schizein ("to split") and phren- ("mind"), is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mental illness characterized by impairments in the perception or expression of reality, most commonly manifesting as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or biz
Down Syndrome - Symptoms and Characteristics
One of the most common chromosomal disorders, Down syndrome is associated with the mental retardation and malformation in a newborn. The main cause of Down syndrome is the presence of an extra 21st chromosome. Generally children with Down syndrome show slower physical and mental development than a n
The Sound of Her Wings
After a couple of years of pumping yourself up every morning, to look for work, any work, you begin to pay attention to the creeping cacophony of voices riding the roller coaster in your head. That buzzing seems to be telling you that your efforts are probably for naught. The call for the last dance
How to Diagnose Addiction to Prescription Meds
Prescription drugs are the second-most abused drug in the nation, with around 20 percent of the population having used prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons. Because prescription medicines are easier to access---with people leaving them unsecured and doctors prescribing more prescription medicin
What is ADD and Does My Child Have It?
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) Or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper is the most common mental disorders that develop in children.When left untreated it can lead to poor school, work, and social behavior.
3 Easy Panic Attacks Reliefs You Can Use Now
Getting a panic attack can be one of the worse experiences you'll ever have in your life. The attack's onset, for one, can already make you feel like dying literally, making it a really terrifying situation altogether.
Spiritual and Biblical Insights about Blended Families
*I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth (3 John 4).** John uses the metaphor of children to describe younger believers he has mentored * It is easy to understand
Signs and Symptoms of Panic Attacks and How You Can Stop Them For Good
Signs And Symptoms Of Panic Attacks. Learn how to stop them.
Self Alcohol Detox
Detoxifying the body of toxins and bacteria can be done by changes in your diet and lifestyle. Detoxification can be accomplished using several different types of procedures ranging from herbal remedies to prescription medications. The process of detox takes anywhere from twenty-four to thirty-six