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Mental Health : Health & Medical
Herbal Remedy for Depression
You may believe that your health is fairly well developed by the time you reach college. However, you can always take steps to change your behavior and to improve your health.
Psychotherapy / Counseling
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of psychotherapy/counseling, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
HOCD – Homosexual OCD or the Fear of Being Gay
People with HOCD can be affected enough by their intrusive thought that they quit jobs, make dramatic life changes, or end relationships in order to avoid triggering their symptoms.
How is Lithium Carbonate Used to Treat Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar DisorderBipolar disorder is a severe mental illness with two main types. Bipolar I is characterized by episodes of mania, or abnormally elevated moods, which may or may not alternate with episodes of depression. Bipolar II, in contrast, includes cycles of mania and depression,...
Corn Is Beneficial to Children's Intelligent Development
According to long-term research made by many American universities and research institutions, it shows that if children under three years old eat corn congee at breakfast every morning, when they grow up, their academic achievement will be much better than other children. The institutions conducting
ADHD Alternative Treatments - Safer Choices You Should Know About
When faced with the life changing diagnosis of ADHD, parents often feel confused and overwhelmed. Medications are prescribed; however, new issues to develop.
Can You Overcome Your Fear of Germs?
Fears come in all shapes and sizes. And the things we're afraid of vary in size as well. The fear of germs is one the more awkward fears to have. After all, germs are pretty much everywhere.
Do Yo Fear the Arrival of Another Panic Attack?
People who have experienced panic attacks often go around with a grave sense of unease that at any moment, they will experience a major attack.It's a fear of the ultimate panic attack that would finally ...
How to Overcome Being Bipolar
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness categorized by mood disturbance and shifting of moods between mania and depression. The mood swings can shift rapidly or the episodes can last for periods of time during the cycle. People with bipolar disorder can live productive lives if the illness is properly
The Safest, Most Effective ADHD Treatment Options
If you are researching ADHD treatment options, then you are probably aware that drugs just don't work for some children and are looking for a healthy and safe solution for your child. In this article, ...
What is Childhood Development Screening?
Development screening is a procedure used to identify children of all ages who may show signs of developmental delays. These screenings can allow for earlier detection and intervention for developmentally delayed children. This can improve the health and well being of the child. The earlier the dete
The Truth About ADHD Medications
You need to know the truth about ADHD medications.While they may preform a vital function, a special needs child requires alternative therapies to grow into a happy and productive adult.
Hyperactive Children - Looking at Solutions Which Will Make Them Calmer and Happier
I always tell parents to buy a stability ball or an exercise ball to help their hyperactive children when doing homework! Sometimes I get blank stares and sometimes I am not invited back! Seriously though, there is actually some scientific backing for my advice.
Activities That Alzheimer's Sufferers Should or Could Be Involved With
One of the major problems faced by those suffering from Alzheimer's disease or any of the dementias is the periods of loneliness, boredom and frustration. It is therefore important for both the sufferer and the carer that these "empty times" are as few and far between as possible.
How to Move Stress & Frustrations Into a Positive Attitude
Stress and frustration can dampen your spirit and leave you feeling unable to cope and deal with the challenges life brings. If not dealt with properly, excessive stress and frustration can strain your relationships with others, possibly leading to depression and anxiety. Since negative thinking is
The Best and Worst Foods to Eat During Pregnancy
When I was about three months pregnant, my obstetrician told me, "Certain foods go to the front, and others go to the back." Since then, no matter how many years I studied nutrition or how ...
ADHD And Bedwetting - Problems And Solutions
There is no direct link between ADHD and bedwetting and the two are not necessarily connected at all. However, there does seem to be a higher incidence of bedwetting among ADHD children. One study in the Southern Medical Journal did actually show that six year olds with ADHD were three times more li
What Are Bipolar Mood Disorders?
The therapist asks him a lot of questions. Does he have much sleep? No, doesn't seem to need it when he's happy. Now, he's so miserable, it's all he can do to leave his bed. His wife tells her that he talks non-stop when he's happy, but now, as depressed as he is, you can ha
How to Level Pavers Over Soil
Installing a walkway can improve your home's appearance and prevent muddy tracks in the home. Paving stones can be bought cheaply from home improvement stores or stone quarries. Although you may be tempted to simply dig a trench and throw the paving stones into place, setting the paving stones prope