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Mental Health : Health & Medical
Suicide Prevention
Teenage suicide is preventable when people learn to recognize the warning signs. Often teenagers present the warning signs to people closest to them. Unfortunately by the time a teenager that is feeling suicidal gets to a trained mental health professional, it can be too late.
What Are the Best ADHD Treatment Options?
It is a tragedy that so many ADHD children are given amphetamine type drugs to cure their ADHD as the first option. Every other option comes much later and often when the damage is done. What are the best ADHD treatment options and why are ADHD meds NOT one of them?
Essential Oils to Detoxify the Body
By adding a detox session to your routine, you can improve your energy flow and look forward to overall well-being. Though there are many ways to cleanse and detox your body, an increasing number of people are adopting essential oils for the purpose. Know more about what essential oils can help you
Study the Spiritual Aspects of Schizophrenia to Find a Cure!
Before there was scientific knowledge, there was this thing called faith. Without it there would never be scientific knowledge, yet Science has the arrogance to say that faith proves nothing. I say to Science that once there was someone who had faith and he, or she became a Scientist!
Information on Drug Abuse Numbers
The National Institute on Drug Abuse keeps tabs on current drug abuse trends among the general population as well as children under age 18. For more than three decades, the NIDA has sponsored an annual survey to examine attitudes about and the use and abuse of drugs among high school seniors. Since
Economic Recovery and Healthcare Reform - Opportunities for Mental Health and Addictions
To many people, healthcare reform means universal coverage. Mental healthcare organizations view universal coverage as an American right. However, for people with serious mental illnesses and addictio
The Busyness Trap: Balance, Align and Redesign Your Life
Busyness has become an epidemic. Learning to live in the "now" is a life skill worth developing. Learn how you can balance your time, align your behavior and redesign your schedule to get more quality out of your quanity of time.
Become Panic free today!
Millions of people suffer from anxiety which can lead to panic attacks every year, making life for themselves very hard as even the simplest thing can set off another panic attack. This can lead to ...
Breast Enhancement Pills Can Give You Big Breasts
There is a fear among many individuals regarding utilizing male enhancement drugs to enhance their sexual intercourse quotient. This is especially due to the fact that there are numerous such products on sale which could ...
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Brain Injuries
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) often follows a Traumatic Brain Injury. It is an anxiety disorder triggered by stress such as physical or sexual assault, combat or the witnessing or involvement in a traumatic event.
Happiness Is an "Inside Job"
If you're happy and you know it... You know happiness is an "inside job."
ADD Research and Disability
ADD research and disability classification is ongoing. ADD in most states is not considered a disability. This is why many parents of children with ADD have a hard time getting services for their child.
Can Isochronic Tones Help You Have a Lucid Dream?
Do you want to have a lucid dream, but are finding the process difficult? If you're like many people, the answer is yes on both counts. Lucid dreaming is a very fascinating and enjoyable process, but learning to have them at will can be really tricky in the beginning. There are lots of differen
What Makes A Chemical Dependency Center Is A Brilliant Thing
A chemical dependency center can help addicts who are struggling to put an end with their relationship with chemicals. This can be a problem for the person as well as their family and friends. It ...
If You're Contemplating Suicide - Read This
You Do Not Want To Die.You want to end the pain and suffering.There is a difference.You do not want to die. You want to live.The problem is that you believe that your pain and suffering will never end.Youve been feeling this agonizing pain for so long.It feels like a life sentence.You do not want to
Nighttime ADD Symptoms
Nighttime can be problematic for people with ADD.Night image by Einar Bog from Fotolia.comAttention deficit disorder, also known as ADD, is a disorder that causes impulsive behavior and difficulty paying attention. While ADD may have some element of hyperactivity, that is more...
3 Simple Anti-Anxiety Natural Remedies
Natural anti-anxiety remedies are on the increase as anxiety victims turn away from drugs and their bad side effects. Here are 3 anti-anxiety remedies you can carry out at home. First, did you know that ...
The Causes of Panic Disorder and How to Cure the Problem Once and For All
If you have ever suffered with anxiety or feelings of panic then you will probably be eager to get rid of this problem as soon as possible. One of the most useful things for you to do first is to focus on the causes of the panic disorder, once you understand the causes you will be better equipped to
ADHD Adult
An ADHD Adult is a person who has suffered from ADHD from his/her childhood and this disorder is not treated fully in that person therefore; the person is suffering the same disorder in his adulthood
The Best Time to Take Lavender Cuttings
Late spring to early summer is the ideal time to take lavender cuttings for propagating new plants. At that time of year, new foliage is notably green and growing vigorously but not yet blooming--and not yet woody. When stems get too firm or woody, rooting becomes much more difficult.