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Mental Health : Health & Medical
Specialized Boca Raton Psychiatrist
There are many South Florida residents who seek the care of a Boca Raton psychiatrist who specializes in treating multiple disorders. Finding a psychiatrist that you are comfortable with and can trust in South Florida ...
Dissociative Identity Disorder - What's the Modern Hype?
Brief article on current knowledge of Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly Multiple Personality). Topics range from causes, treatments, media exposure, legal issues, and how we all can dissociate.
ADHD and Caffeine - How Does Caffeine Affect ADHD
ADHD and caffeine do not sound like they could or should go together. Caffeine is a stimulant, a mild CNS stimulant. It can be used children, youth, and adults who have ADHD. Like anything it must be used with moderation.
Proposal to Correct the Institutional Injustices For Mental Illness and Addictions Patients
Each year, more than 1.1 million people diagnosed with mental illnesses are arrested and booked into jails in the United States. Roughly three-quarters of these individuals also experience co-occurring substance use disorders, which increase their likelihood of becoming involved in the justice syste
How Our Attitudes Affect Our Health
We do several things to protect our health, such as eating right, exercising, dressing warm in cold weather, taking vitamins, practicing good hygiene and avoiding people who have contagious illnesses, such as the flu or colds. After taking all those precautions, many people still jeopardize their he
Clinical Depression Cause: The Shocking Truth About Why So Many Are Depressed Today
Will you or someone you love be one of the 1 Million people diagnosed with depression this year? Is there a single clinical depression cause, you'll ask? I doubt it, and you might too. Biological and
Improving the Attention of People With the Inattentive Subtype of ADHD
Improving the attention of people with the Inattentive subtype of ADHD involves improving their ability to divide their attention. Please read on to learn more.
One Person's Trash
Our journey into a new kitchen revealed more than we expected. This is how we discovered our kids' feelings about comfort and security at home.
Healthy Habits and Regular Exercise Can Naturally Prevent Alzheimer's Disease
According to a 2009 report from the Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's disease afflicts 5.3 million Americans, and the association predicts that the number will grow to 8 million in the next 20 years. There is no medical cure for Alzheimer's disease, but two recent studies suggest t
Where to find the Difficult Brain Teasers?
One of the best ways of exercising your brain is solving difficult brain teasers which actually stretch your brain and force you to think out-of-the-box. People also can gauge their smartness and inte
Overcoming Panic Attacks - Why Natural Treatments Are the Only Way to Stop Panic Attacks
If someone told you that you could stop your panic attacks tomorrow without medication would you stop taking it? Unfortunately many people are so scared of having an attack they will not stop taking the medication and drugs they are prescribed and become addicted to them and suffer the awful side ef
How to Design a Substance Abuse Treatment Program
Recovery from substance abuse requires peer support and a willingness to face difficult issues. Developing a program of recovery for others demands knowledge of that process and patience and dedication for working with people who, as a general rule, underestimate the seriousness of their disease.
Homeopathic Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
Homeopathic treatments for bipolar disorder vary according to the accompanying symptoms. The solutions will also depend on whether you are a man, woman, child or teen. Homeopathy offers a safe and effective alternative to traditional medications.
Types of Smoking Tobacco
Cigarettes are the most popular form of smoking tobaccoTobacco image by irfan intekhab from Fotolia.comSmoking tobacco is a very common habit indulged by people all around the world. There are a few different, popular ways in which to smoke tobacco. These methods are a danger to a...
Panic Away Reviews And Feedbacks - What Do The People Who Used It Say?
Panic Away is one of the most popular programs to stop panic attacks. Panic Away has great reviews from experts, but it is more interesting to learn what the regular users of this program had to say about it. This article outlines a selection of the feedbacks I saw in the time I know this programs.
Cures for Lack of Sleep
At times, adults and children experience seasons of unrest. This lack of sleep, if not remedied, can create further health issues. Before starting a prescription medication, consider some home cures for lack of sleep. Some cures include dropping certain habits, developing new habits that evoke sleep
Power Your Brain Using These Secret Foods
Did you know that simply by eating the right foods, you can unlock the power of your brain more than you might think. It works the same way if you were trying to lose weight or start a new workout regime, you would need to supplement your body with nutritious foods in order to gain maximum results.
Autism in Children a Pointer to Mitochondrial Disease!
Depression is an ailment that finds a mighty existence wherever it cares to put its foot into. In the current times not one human being is free from this malice. Even the inanimate objects like econom
How to Conquer the Phobia of Public Speaking
Although some people have only minor issues with speaking to a crowd of people, others have a significant phobia when it comes to public speaking. This can interfere with job responsibilities and social obligations, turning otherwise pleasant or everyday activities into painfully awkward events. You