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Mental Health : Health & Medical
Compulsive Disorder - How Can I Help a Child With OCD?
When my clients ask me this question, it really pulls at my heart strings. The reason it does is because these children are not enjoying their childhood because they are plagued with worry. This is detrimental to the child's way of life and more importantly, her development and what she thinks
3 Panic Treatments Tips - Which Treatment Works Best For You To Calm Your Panic Attacks?
There are many different panic treatments available that can help with these attacks. Usually, they include prescription drugs, herbal remedies and Cognitive behavioral therapy.
Seek Panic Disorder Help to Beat Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Seek Panic Disorder Help at the very onset as it improves your chances of quicker recovery. Moreover, adhere to self-help panic away and anxiety release methods that instill a sense of calmness in body and mind.
Improve Your Marriage Life To A Successive Marriage Life By Visiting Couples Councelling At Hitchin
Living together, getting married and having children - this is a very common sight in every couple's future. Some couples decides to live together first to understand each other before marriage. However, what happens after ...
How to Stop Drug Addictions
Drug addictions can range from abusing alcohol to snorting crack cocaine. They can be volatile, dangerous, and life-threatening in their most extreme form. Those addicted to drugs run the risk of dying, losing all of their friends and family, becoming homeless, and seriously hurting themselves. If
How To Treat Depression - What Are My Options?
Next to anxiety, depression is the most common mental health disorder impacting an estimated 125 million people worldwide. With these number increasing on an annual basis it is no wonder that the search for ways ...
Find Out What Psychological Counselling Is?
Do you know what peace is? I believe I don't know its real essence. If I thing of peace, I wander it's been ages that we have not heard of peace but wars, civil attacks, ...
Reduce Panic Attack Symptoms That Are Caused by "Overbreathing"
The majority of the distressing symptoms of a panic attack are simply created by too rapid and shallow breathing.... otherwise known as "overbreathing" or "hyperventilation." Since breathing is a function that we are usually quite easily able to control, this article offers an ex
War Talk May Cause Anxiety, Panic
Questions about war, terrorism, and the economy confront us every time we turn on the television or pick up a newspaper. And for certain individuals, these external crises can -- and will -- trigger internal crises, say leading psychoanalysts.
Do Herbal Remedies Help ADHD?
If you have a child with ADHD, you know the frustration of being able to help the child cope in a world where their thought process is different to those around him or her. You also are most likely aware of the dangers that lurk behind the drugs that are used to treat ADHD. You may decide to try her
A Test to Help Choose an Antidepressant?
Could a new test under FDA review help personalize depression care?
How Do We Conceptualize This Thing We Call Anger?
In this article the author reviews the most commonly accepted theories explaining rage or destructive anger. The author then proposes a more complete theory for rage which holds promising and effective intervention strategies.
The Stages of Recovery at the End of Relationships
A relationship breakup is a deep loss that must be grieved, and the process takes time as you move through various stages. The recovery phases follow a general pattern, although people experience them in different ways and at varying intensity levels. Feelings such as sadness, anger and confusion ar
Understanding A Mental Illness
What kind of person do you picture when you hear the word "schizophrenic"? How would you react if you found out your best friend had a personality disorder? What if someone suggested that YOU might ...
Intelligent Methods for Conquering Panic Attacks
The pace of life in nearly all Western societies can at times feel insanely fast with no help in sight. But we should not be shocked by this if you are extremely busy with your ...
Life Coaching in Gold Coast
Life is full of pitfalls which the uninitiated and inexperienced folks often fall into. As times advances, the hardship and perils in the world seem to evolve. Never has it been more important to employ ...
About the Leading Causes of Stress
Stress is a physical response to perceived or real threats. It is vital to understand the leading causes of stress in order to know how to cope with them. Stress is a contributing factor in certain serious conditions such as heart disease and impairs the immune system. Managing stress is an aid to g
ACE's Study and Troubled Childhood Remedies
This article explores the impact of adverse childhood experiences on adulthood and ways of changing thinking and behavior.