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Mental Health : Health & Medical
Helping a Hyperactive Child With Conventional Drugs Or Herbs? You Decide
Is your life a scene from Daddy Daycare or the Little Rascals? While shows depicting kids' sometimes over-active behavior is cute up on the screen, in real life it can bring sleepless nights and heartache. ...
How To Pick An Intuitive Psychic That Can Aid Guide Your Life
Sometimes, you may feel like you know something without actually knowing how you came to know about it. Some people even have dreams that come to happen in real life. It is also possible to ...
Prevent Alzheimer's Disease Naturally
No other disease stirs more fear than Alzheimer's disease. This mind robbing affliction is presently the sixth leading cause of death in the US and rising at an alarming rate. Estimates are that by the year 2030 nearly 1 in 4 adults will be affected by this cruel form of dementia. At present th
Relationship Between Sugar Alcohol & Triglycerides
Alcohol and triglycerides do not mix, so to speak. Alcohol (ethanol) is broken down into sugar and becomes triglycerides (fat). In some sensitive people, even limited intake of alcohol can really shoot up triglyceride levels. Drinks made with soft drinks, sweet syrups or multiple mixers can add thei
How to Become a Child Psychologist in Michigan
Child psychologists are those professionals who study the social and behavioral development of young people. People working in this field, work in a variety of different settings such as private offices, hospitals, public health centers ...
HEADACHES - Understand why and then find the remedy
Tension headaches are considered as the most common headache. It accounts 90% of all the headaches and already afflicted many people at some point in their lives. People who have tension headaches experience pain (ranges ...
Generalized Anxiety disorder Symptoms - Treating This Condition Is Really SIMPLE If It's Caught
Generalized anxiety disorder symptoms are very common, the problem is most people ignore them. The symptoms ARE early warning signs, so please don't take them lightly. Now check if you have a
How to Get Rid of Emotional Clutter
When you allow negative emotions such as anger, resentment, fear or guilt to persist long after a negative experience has ended, they can cause emotional clutter. These negative emotions can sabotage current relationships and hinder your personal growth. According to Linda S. Pucci, PhD., from selfg
Alzheimer's Disease Caregiver - Finding the Positive
Caregivers for Alzheimer's patients often face a unique level of depression due to the continuously changing behaviors and capabilities of their loved one. Not all is bad with this disease. There are many bright spots along the way and finding the positives in each change will greatly help the
3 Helpful Natural Anti Anxiety Solutions
Looking for a natural anti anxiety cure as well as tips on how to stop panic attacks? Then read on to know more about it.
Overcoming Sleep Problems When Taking ADHD Medications
If you are experiencing sleep problems while taking ADHD medications, you may be pleased to know that there are many ways to successfully overcome the issues that you are facing. It does not matter if you are having trouble falling asleep, problems staying asleep, or if you are not getting enough sl
Your Spouse is a Sociopath? - 9 Signs the Answer Could Be Yes
If you are involved in a marriage with a sociopath/psychopath, you may well spend time bewildered and hurt over the actions of your partner.Here are 9 signs that your spouse could be a sociopath.
How Do You Deal With a Child That Has ADHD?
ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder. It is mainly characterized by the presence of hyperactivity and attentional problems that typically occur simultaneously.
Conquering the Stigma of a Mental Health Disorder
Having a family member that is suffering a mental health disorder can be taxing at times. Depending on the severity of the disorder, many families have been broken up because of this. Some of them can be blamed on the lack of love or patience a family member can bestow. Some just cannot handle the p
The Effects of Domestic Violence in Children
Domestic violence includes acts of physical, sexual, and emotional aggression as well as the destruction of personal property or pets. It occurs across all levels of social and economic class. The inc
Diagnosing Adult ADHD – The Difference Between Psychiatrists and Psychologists
Diagnosing adult ADHD is a challenging task requiring training and experience. Both psychiatrists and psychologist generally meet this criteria but there approaches likely will be quite different.
How BPD is Diagnosed
One aspect of a person that is difficult to comprehend is their personality. Since all of us are born unique, our attitudes, traits and way of thinking are hard to fathom. That is why, psychologists constructed their own way of examining things for them to give the right diagnosis when psychological
Debt and Stress and How it Impacts Your Health
In today's economy lots of us are dealing with mounting debts and shrinking incomes. But beyond the stress to your bank account, it has been found that if you are carrying too much debt, your health and particularly your weight may be impacted.
How to Tell If Your a Alcoholic
Alcoholism is a serious and life threatening disease. Many people who drink are not alcoholics, but for others drinking causes serious problems in one or many areas of their lives. If you suspect you have a drinking problem, follow the these tips to tell in you're an alcoholic.