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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Ways To Share Your Christian Faith With Your Kin
Its time you stood up to spread your Christian faith and the best place to start is of course your own home and your own family, the more word you will spread about Christian life and its benefits the more good will do to humanity.
Religion Lack Science Is Just Like The Body Without Soul
This article is specially written for youngsters & dual lovers for interaction between science & religion for encouragement of the science to reach the religion & peace of the
Alternative Religions' Beliefs
Alternative religions include a very wide range of movements, many of which have very little in common with each other except for their minority status. For instance, all of the various neopagan religions are considered alternative religions. Satanism is also an alternative religion, although it is
What Foods Did People Eat in the Bible?
See a complete list of spices, fruits, vegetables, grains, meats and other foods in the Bible. References are included for each of the Bible foods.
The Crystal Skulls will help to bring World Peace!!
Joshua Shapiro, a crystal skull explorer has been involved in investigating crystal skulls for over 26 years. In this article he shares from his personal experiences various aspect about the skull (of
Sunday School Craft Ideas for the Good Samaritan
Learning about helping others is an important concept to teach youngsters. In the tenth chapter of the New Testament book that was name for him, the writer Luke wrote an account Jesus' parable of a good Samaritan who helped a man who had been beaten and left for dead. While others in the story passe
What happened when our Lord said, This is My body; this is My blood?
Question 242 of the Baltimore Catechism asks, "What happened when our Lord said, This is My body; this is My blood?"
The Payment
Why is it important to distinguish between sons and strangers? Who makes that adoption process possible? Jesus pays the right of passage that we cannot pay.
The Power Of Mind And Soul Programming
During the long break I recently took in Japan, I took the chance to review the role Spiritual Response Therapy has played in my life thus far. I reflected upon how system has helped me improve spirit
Christian Crafts, Activities & Games for Kids
Keep kids entertained and engaged during Sunday School with fully inclusive lesson plans containing a game, activity and craft, all centered around the theme of the day. Scripture will be reinforced through interactive, hands-on Christian activities and games, and the children can take a craft home
Adultery Is Spiritual Suicide
There's so much more to an affair than most people realize. As bad as the act of adultery is, it brings with it other sins; e.g., a thousand forms of deception.
Shavuot - The Feast of Weeks
Shavuot (lit. weeks), one of Judaism's three pilgrimage festivals (along with Passover and Sukkot), marks the giving of the Torah (the Five Books of Moses) on Mt. Sinai. The holiday is celebrated exactly seven weeks after the first day of Passover, which marks the Exodus itself.
What Does the Wheel of Fortune Mean in the Tarot?
The Wheel of Fortune is a card that often pops up in the Tarot, and is associated with fate and chance. What does it mean when we see the Wheel of Fortune in a Tarot reading?
Reiki Club for Seniors
Group energy can be a powerful force because combined energies with a share path or common purpose offers a collective impact in the world.
What are the most common mistakes that Muslims make in salaat?
15 common mistakes that Muslims make in their daily prayers
Biblical Cryptozoology Down On The Land And In The Sea
You won't find references in the Bible to the Yeti, Bigfoot, Sasquatch, the Loch Ness Monster, the Cyclopes, or other similar beasties that interest wildlife biologists in the hunt for unverified, but possible examples of ...
What is the Mark of the Beast?
Discusses the Biblical prophecy of Revelation concerning the mark of the beast.
Joseph of Arimathaea - Part One:
Have you heard about the Glastonbury Thorn tree that is a Palestinian Thorn found only in Palestine? It is said to have originated with the arrival of Joseph of Arimathaea in what is now England, ...