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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Who Wrote the Book of the New Testament and Produced the First Bible?
What Constantine did in establishing the Catholic Church and inventing Jesus Christ is paramount to a major crime. Jerome was acting on orders and simply followed as a cohort in a giant conspiracy to hide the Spirit of God.
The Big Buts of Christmas - Part 1
This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.That is a very big but.
A Group Resonance
This is an article that I wrote to spark debate about the theory of theism itself. We are about to witness the so called apocalypse.
Sanskrit Words beginning with S
A glossary of Sanskrit terms used in Hindu teachings, and their meanings.
Rascals And Rogues Receive Such A Surprise
Would you have selected these men for your team?They looked like no-gooders.Who would want such suspect guys in the board room?But when transformed and trained by the best in the business, what a grand job they did.
Aayat for Money
Aayat may be a specialized technique to induce cash. We have a tendency to square measure keen on the result of Aayat on human life. It removes the monetary crises. If you are running a ...
The Heavenly Life Coach - Part 2
The Holy Spirit manifests his power through us. When the Spirit is upon us, he can also coach other people through us. He can use us as his vessel of empowerment. He can use us to encourage those who are down on themselves. We're not called just to be blessed, but to also be a blessing to other
Religious People That Don't Like Scientific Facts
I noticed that most religious people choose faith over facts. If you're one of these people, I suggest that you read this entire article. It's nice to have faith and believe in something until you have enough facts to change her mind.
Pope Benedict XVI and the Papal and Jordanian Coats of Arms
Pope Benedict XVI is welcomed on his arrival, May 8, 2009, in Amman, Jordan. Pope Benedict XVI is on his first trip to the Middle East, which includes the West Bank and Israel. (Photo by Salah Malkawi/Getty Images)
How to Repair a Granite Headstone
When you look at a granite headstone in a cemetery, you think it'll last forever. Especially if it's a brand new gravestone with a high polish to it. But keep walking, especially through the older sections of a cemetery, and you will see just how much damage the weather and seasonal changes can infl
Limits of Meditation Impose Itself on Us: Dead Ends everywhere: Try and see for yourself!
Some think we can attain anything by meditation. Meditation can, to them, resolve all our problems.We can achieve miracles by meditation, such as self-control, self-knowledge, universal knowledge, sel
Thinking About Critical Details In Mobile Games
This is a game of two people who should be of the opposite sex for it to work best and should probably be involved in a relationship. It has the potential to track the offline ...
Caring for Our Dead Around the World
Every society, throughout history, has found some way to attend to the proper care of their dead. Let's look at some of the different methods in which various cultures have said farewell to their loved ones.
What Are The Signs Of The End Times According To The Holy Bible ? Are We In The End Times ?
People have been saying that we are in the end times, for a long time. Is there any proof that we are in the end times now?
Judgment - Claw Marks on the Outside of the Ark
Why are Christians so afraid of admitting that God is a righteous, holy and just God of judgment? Probably because it contradicts the image of the god we've fashioned in our own hearts of how we want him to be.
Spiritual Life Coaching - Exploring the Root Chakra
The first chakra is the root chakra or the Kundalini chakra. It is located at the base of the spine. It is represented by the Maladhara mandala, the element of fire and is symbolized by ...
Pull the Plug and Drain All Your Stresses Away
Relaxing in the tub is wonderful way to end your day and wash away your stresses.
The Holy Grail And A Silver Christening Cup
Since the Victorian era, one of the most popular Christening gifts for a baby boy has been a silver cup or silver tankard - why should such a seemingly utilitarian object become associated with such an important rite of passage?
Symbolism in Hinduism
Unlike many other religious texts, the texts in Hinduism are not stating anything directly. Those texts tease the brain by using various symbols which can be interpreted in more than a way. And the fr