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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Bible Study Activities
The Bible is an interesting, inspirational book. It's the book Christians look to for spiritual guidance and a deeper understanding of God. The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is filled with moving history and accounts of miracles. Use Bible study activities to supplement your daily reading time.
Cancer New Moon 2014
A collection of full and new moon charts, to accompany the bi-monthly reports.
Baptism Invitations and Baptism Facts
Baptism is one of the two major Christian sacraments present in most Christian denominations. Alongside the Lord's Supper, it's one of the two major, binding sacraments. It symbolizes passing through the waters of chaos into the newness of a better world. At the beginning of the Old Testam
Chinese Astrology Predictions 2008: the Sheep
During 2008, Sheep people will continue to sympathize others and show that they care like they always do. Their actions and words will become the biggest proof of that. They will be very respected dur
Review of Sonja Grace's Book Entitled Become an Earth Angel
A Guide for Earth Angels.... how to fulfill their path of healing and service.
A Despicable Quitter
The world hates a quitter, and this article discusses the reasons to fortify your desire to be steadfast, and crossing the finish line faithfully, receiving the greatest prize - eternal life in Christ! The book of Hebrews is filled with admonitions to discouraged Christians, but in Hebrews 10, the w
Stop Struggling to Attract What You Want
Are you struggling to attract what you want? If you are, then you must understand one of the most important keys to the attraction process. That key is your ability to maintain a clear and ...
The Sermon on the Mount, Emmet Fox, and Jesus
Astonishing News for Alcoholics Anonymous Emmet Fox Did Not Deliver Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Jesus Did! Dick B. ©2009 Anonymous. All rights reserved The surprise news is that Emmet Fox did not deliver the ...
Introduction to Meditation - Discovering the Truth About the Tool and How to Integrate it into Life
Since time and immemorial of the Great Sages and Masters of our time, we have heard countless of benefits about Meditation and its usage of reaching higher states of being, but what is it and ...
What Are Some Orthodox Christian Guardian Angel Prayers?
Different religious traditions have passed different guardian angel prayers down through their histories. Here are some from orthodox Christianity...
12 Amazing Tips on How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom
One reason why I love Feng Shui so much is that it really can bring great wealth and great fortune to anyone who practices it correctly. The scope for feng shui is so diverse that when applied correct
America's Newspapers in the Cross Hairs
As you are well aware we are now well into the final years of printed daily news. Most all newspapers are losing money, laying off staff, reporters and management. The quality of the news is deteriorating and almost any print news you pick up is jammed with AP filler, fluff or opinion based diatribe
Mental Stillness and Being Present: Key Ingredients of Happiness
If you were to ask me, 'What is the key, essential component of happiness?' or, 'What is a fundamental element of happiness? my answer would be simultaneously simple , yet very complicated. Here, I&am
The date December 21, 2012
There are many predictions about the end times, but none so close to us as the date December 21, 2012. Calculated based on the Long Count cycle from the scientifically and mathematically advanced Maya
Earthbound Souls, Suicide, and the Problem With Reincarnation
It is one's state of evolution and consciousness that determines what sort of afterlife one finds one's self in after the crossing from this world into the realms beyond it. One's spiritual progress o
Exercise for Lovers to Reconnect and Merge at a Deeper Level
This healing exercise connects the soul to the heart of their beloved.
Ritual to Celebrate a Spring Full Moon
Celebrate the arrival of spring with a seasonal full moon. Welcome spring with a water-themed ritual adaptable for either groups or solitaries.
When All You Can Do Is Pray
Sometimes when a friend or loved one has a need, you can feel helpless. Your response may be, "All I can do is pray."
Jill's Milestones Led Her From Jail to Jesus
In this Christian Testimony, Jill spiraled downward into hopelessness until one day God's mercy intervened and she surrendered her life to Christ.
There is Me, Then There is Me
We try very hard to do what is right, whether we believe in God or not. And sometimes cannot believe the things we are capable of. And then we wonder if we are of God or not. Are we tare or are we wheat?