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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment
My Out of Body Experience in 1982
Suddenly I was whisked away by beings on each side of me. I could not focus my eyes for we were traveling at an enormous rate of speed through the atmosphere. I could feel the wind pushing against my
The Necessity Of Free Vedic Education
In our busy world, nobody has time and energy to stop, think and think about principles, beliefs and notions. Balance practised mechanized motions might help earn lots of money. But, they also give way to ...
Hindi Correspondence Course
Hindi Correspondence Course - from the Central Hindi Directorate (Govt. of India)
Children's Bible Activities From Luke 19:40
Craft stores often carry a variety of beautiful stones.stones 1 image by PictureDaddy from Fotolia.comIn Luke 19, the Pharisees tell Jesus to keep his followers from praising him. Luke 19:40 says, "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." It is uncertain...
God Loves Restoration
This is an article about restoration. God is a restorer, the Bible calls Him a Restorer of life. Because He is a Restorer this should give us a hope in believing that not all is lost in spite of the damage we may have caused.
The Basics of Catholic Church Services
Though Catholicism is the largest Christian religion in the United States today, many people who have never been to a Catholic mass seem to think it is a world of its own, which is true in some ways. Truthfully, however, there are many similar events that occur during Catholic Church services, as we
The Tortoise and the Geese
This tale from the Panchatantra is about a tortoise and two geese that lived together in a pond for many years. The talkative tortoise meets his end because of his garrulousness. The moral: Silence is Golden.
What are the Divine Names on the Kabbalah Tree of Life?
Here are the names of God that archangels and angels declare when they express God's creative energy on the Tree of Life in Kabbalah...
How the UN Resolution for a Palestinian State Aligns With End Times Prophecy
President Obama has been attempting to dissuade the Palestinians from pursuing a U.N. resolution for a Palestinian state. While this push by the Palestinians goes contrary to the president's wishes and makes an end-run around talks with Israel, it aligns perfectly with end-times Bible prophecy.
Justification by Faith, as is found in the Book of Romans
The Salvation of Man trough Faith in the Redemptive power of Our GOD, and trough the Righteousness of our GOD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. is the central theme trough out the Bible, from Genesis to Revela
How to Fold an Arabic Head Scarf
Fold the Arabic head scarf in half from two opposite corners so that you make a triangle. Find the center of the folded line and place it over the top of your head. The folded edge should hang slightly over the top curve of your forehead. The center point of the triangle should hang down over your b
Which Zodiac Signs Are a Love Match?
Zodiac Signs in Love -- Love Astrology in Broad Strokes -- Sun Signs and Attraction -- Dating Tips -- Love Matches for Every Zodiac Sign
How to Purchase a Traditional Breviary
Two Christian faith traditions use breviaries or compilations of prayers which include scripture readings and psalms. These traditional prayer books are referred to as the Liturgy of the Hours (Catholic) or Common Prayer (Anglican). The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church
Evangelism - 'Connections' Day 7 "Let's Show Others They can do it Too (and Don't Forget to Lea
Originating from Australia, 'Connections' is a 7 Article "Everyday Evangelism" mini seminar with audio supplements. Skills and ideas to make and keep non-Christian friends. More in depth ideas for practical ministry and effective ways of introducing people to Christ.
Do You Know How To Live The Golden Rule Online?
People are emboldened by the anonymity of the internet. They hide behind keyboards, screen names, and avatars. They don't have to worry about having face-to-face conversations anymore. The end result? Nasty comments on forums. Over-the-top reviews. Scathing emails. Spam that's obnoxious an
When Is All Saints Day 2014?
All Saints Day celebrates the lives of all Christians who have died in a state of grace. Find the date of All Saints Day 2014.
Thoughts From The Box - "It's Reaping Time!"
Over the last couple months I have been meditating on the Parable of the Sower found in Mark 4. In the past, I have heard some deep theology surrounding this parable. However, when I meditated on this
Reverse Evolution
The consensus among those who would be classified as non Christians is that man has evolved from a lower life form. Some believe man snaked his way up the life chain from a fish to four legged creatures and from there to two legged animalistic forms such as apes and gorillas. If that theory is true,