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Wealth Building : Business & Finance
The Sheer Cliff of Financial Security
Imagine if you will the lifestyle you could lead if you were making $20,000 every month. You'd become accustomed to the finer things in life, and have plenty of cash to do what you wanted to do when you wanted to do it. Now in the rarefied world of Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, $20,000 a month i
The Big Picture - History may offer clues as to the direction of your portfolio
As every investor knows the equity markets have been extremely volatile in recent weeks, months and even years. There are many explanations for the extreme volatility and it may be worth "viewing" history to see ...
Easy Ways on How to Earn Money
Money is used as medium of exchange on transactions that are being performed by people for their every day living. In ancient times, in place of money, common items with value had been used for bartering or exchange of goods for another one in particular. For example, yams may be exchanged for milk
Bergen County Tax Sale Offers Profitable Opportunities With Tax Lien Certificates Saen Higgins Favor
The Hillsdale borough in Bergen County, New Jersey will hold its annual tax sale in August. This is an opportunity to purchase tax lien certificates Saen Higgins says can ultimately lead to wealth without risk, since a return on investment with interest is mandated by the government.
Become A Millionaire And Create Your Own Story Of Success
Do you desire to become a millionaire? So what are those ideas to make money? There are several ways to obtain million dollars which includes being born into it, inheriting or winning a lottery. But for those who do not fall into this category, there are certain ways in which you too can increase yo
A Quick Look at the Concept of Portfolio Allocation
An asset class is a collection of related investment vehicles. Different types of asset classes are: Fixed Income Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate and Commodities like Gold, Silver etc. Every asset class ha
The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind
Each and every millionaire in the world has their own little secret on how to get rich fast and easy. They all know how to do it, and how it needs to be done.
The Wisdom Behind Ancient Egypt's Wealth
Egypt was once the richest country in the world. Some say that civilization started there. According to Biblical record in the book of Genesis chapter forty one, there was a great famine at a certain time. Yet Egypt had plenty of food. The wisdom that sustained Egypt during that famine period , and
How To Become A Successful Forex Trader
There are 4 main principles to follow as guidelines if you intend to be a forex trader who can earn his living online. Is forex trading for you? Are you capitalized for forex trading? What is your trading style? Are you prepared to spend time to learn? This article will reveal a blueprint to follow
One of the Biggest Reasons People Fail to Become Wealthy is Because of a Lack of Knowledge and Skill
Just when you thought you had heard everything that was to hear about wealth, along comes a new thought on the subject. Fasten your safety belt and get ready to ride the wealth rocket!
Why Residual Income is So Critical in Achieving Your Life Goals
We read so much in business publications today about passive income, or residual income. This is income which comes in without you having to do anything to earn it in that time. The income will come in from work which was done in the past.There have been examples of residual income in the past, such
How to Buy Expensive Cars Cheaply Using Greatest Car Buying Secret
What precisely plenty of people need to know is that Dr Suzanne frequently buys spectacular and expensive cars for only 50% of what car manufacturers force all the others to pay. This lady has got ...
What Is a Double Dip Recession?
With mainstream media flooding our TV's with this very common phrase, this will detail the definition and what it will do for our country. The dictionary defines a recession as: "A significant decline in activity spread across the economy, lasting longer than a few months."
4 Ways To Make You Wealthy
You too can grow your asset and cash like the wealthy. The strategies are not hard to apply but takes commitment and time.
Conversion Rule Changes For 2010 For The Roth IRA Plan
Up until now, the Roth IRA plan was subjected to what is known as an income test. This meant that if you earned more than $100,000 a year, you could not contribute to a Roth ...
You Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck Because You Want To - Become Financially Free Fast
I am going to be very blunt with you! You are living paycheck to paycheck and stuck in a dead end job because you want to. Maybe you don't wake up every day thinking how much you love being broke but we are living in a time where it has become easier and easier to find information and ways to i
Why the Rich Get Richer and Richer
If you want to be rich you need to understand what the rich do to make themselves richer and you need to do the same. I am going to let you in on a few secrets of the rich and tell you why the rich always seem to get richer (even in an economic recession).
Invest 10000 Get 10000 - The Search for 100% Returns
Invest 10000 get 10000 bucks in a year? Can you imagine the high risk venture that would offer you a 100% return on your money? In this article we investigate the possibility of 100% returns and if they exist, how can they be achieved. To invest 10000 you must have $10 grand, so you are not stupid.
Reasons to Choose Equity Investment
Equities aren't always considered a good idea, probably because of the fluctuations that they face. But they aren't a bad idea just because of their link with the stock market. But the fluctuations with the market can be guarded against. If you take the proper precautions, then equity inve
Where to Buy Gold Buffalo Coins
Gold Buffalo coins, a.k.a. American Buffalo gold coin, are highly coveted collector coins because of their beautiful, pristine designs as well as gold content guranteed by the US government. The reasons behind why collectors seek ...