How to Fix an iPod That Went Through the Washer
- 1). Do not press any buttons. Your iPod's screen will be blank. This is normal. Do not attempt to power it on, toggle the hold switch, or press the play button. Doing so will shift the moisture, causing it to pool under the buttons, which may render them inoperable.
- 2). Set the iPod flat on a table under a bright light. This will help to quickly fry moisture right under the iPod's case. If the iPod is only slightly damp, leave it under the light for one to two hours. If the moisture is more severe, leve it for up to five hours.
- 3). Place the iPod face up in a bowl of uncooked rice. Since uncooked rice absorbs moisture, any remaining water/moisture should be pulled out by the rice. Make sure there is a nice bed of rice under the iPod, and there is enough covering the top of the iPod so that you can't see it. Leave it here for one to two days.
- 4). Remove the iPod from the rice. If it is completely dry, take your iPod sync cord and plug it into your computer. Do not attempt to press any buttons. If your iPod starts blinking, your iPod has successfully been resurrected. If the screen stays blank, then your iPod died in the washing machine.