Blog Your Way To Profits
Web logs (or blogs for short) are quite simply online diaries. Many people use these for fun and write about anything and everything that pops into their minds without any thought of using them to make money from them. But potential money-making machines they definitely are and I'll show you how it can be done to increase commissions from your affiliate marketing program.
Blogs have a very different tone to that of a website on the same subject. Although both can be updated every day, a website is not designed to give a personal touch to a subject the way that a blog does.
It can be very easy to lose focus when writing for your blog, yet it is very important to keep on topic and not meander down another path. Neither is it necessary to make every blog post a sales pitch for your affiliate products. The reality is that people do like to buy but they hate being sold to, therefore they are more likely to return to your site time and again if they feel they are getting good solid quality information, which can even be put across in a fun or exciting manner, without being hammered with yet another sales message.
If you are feeling stuck for content for your blog, it is a great idea to join a few forums related to your niche. This way you will be able to pick up on new ideas, find out what questions people are asking and discover the latest news on your chosen subject. Posting in these forums are an excellent way too of showing your expertise in a niche and, this in turn, can generate more traffic to your blog via your signature link that you place below your forum messages.
The most important thing you can do is make sure that you post regularly. It does not necessarily have to be every day but you should aim to post at least three times per week in order to help you build a regular audience who know your blog is worth coming back to. This also helps you strengthen your position within the search engines; as the web 'spiders' find your blog, they will take very good note that it is updated regular and will reward you with a higher PageRank as a result.
In reality, the more people that find your blog and discover that they enjoy what you have to say, the more likely they are to tell their friends or link to it from their own blog or website. It turns out to be an ever upwardly rising spiral with one thing feeding of another, all the time increasing your traffic visitors, your page rankings and your loyal readership leading to more and more sales and referrals.
Whatever you decide to write about in your blog, it is important to remember the benefit of using keywords throughout. This will make your blog more easily searchable although it is important to realize that your blogs should read naturally so do not force keywords where they don't really belong.
Blogs have a very different tone to that of a website on the same subject. Although both can be updated every day, a website is not designed to give a personal touch to a subject the way that a blog does.
It can be very easy to lose focus when writing for your blog, yet it is very important to keep on topic and not meander down another path. Neither is it necessary to make every blog post a sales pitch for your affiliate products. The reality is that people do like to buy but they hate being sold to, therefore they are more likely to return to your site time and again if they feel they are getting good solid quality information, which can even be put across in a fun or exciting manner, without being hammered with yet another sales message.
If you are feeling stuck for content for your blog, it is a great idea to join a few forums related to your niche. This way you will be able to pick up on new ideas, find out what questions people are asking and discover the latest news on your chosen subject. Posting in these forums are an excellent way too of showing your expertise in a niche and, this in turn, can generate more traffic to your blog via your signature link that you place below your forum messages.
The most important thing you can do is make sure that you post regularly. It does not necessarily have to be every day but you should aim to post at least three times per week in order to help you build a regular audience who know your blog is worth coming back to. This also helps you strengthen your position within the search engines; as the web 'spiders' find your blog, they will take very good note that it is updated regular and will reward you with a higher PageRank as a result.
In reality, the more people that find your blog and discover that they enjoy what you have to say, the more likely they are to tell their friends or link to it from their own blog or website. It turns out to be an ever upwardly rising spiral with one thing feeding of another, all the time increasing your traffic visitors, your page rankings and your loyal readership leading to more and more sales and referrals.
Whatever you decide to write about in your blog, it is important to remember the benefit of using keywords throughout. This will make your blog more easily searchable although it is important to realize that your blogs should read naturally so do not force keywords where they don't really belong.