How Do You Know Which Style is Right for You?
If Yoga is an interest, then it's essential to find out which style of yoga is suited to you.
There are many styles of Yoga that are practiced today.
The different styles are all based on the same basic poses but they each differ slightly in their emphasis.
1) Anusara Developed by John Friend - A tantric-based system that combines attention to alignment with awareness of energy flow in the body in order for you to realize your divine nature.
Classes vary according to the creative direction of the teacher.
Each class begins with an invocation and has a heart-oriented theme.
Expect a friendly (pun intended) atmosphere, 2) Ashtanga Developed by Sri K.
Pattabhi Jois - A method in which a set series of poses is kinked by vinyasa (flowing movement) and synchronized with the breath, which produces intense internal heat and purifying sweat.
Students begin with the primary series and then move on once the poses have been mastered.
There are six series in all.
Classes are vigorous and challenging.
Expect to perspire.
3) Bikram Developed by Bikram Choudhury - A series of 26 poses and breathing exercises repeated twice in a room heated to 105 degrees.
The purpose is to warm up the muscles quickly and promote detoxification via sweat.
Most classes do not include inversions.
You will sweat more than you ever thought possible, so bring a bottle of water and towel with you.
Wear clothes that will let you perspire freely.
4) Integral Developed by Sri Swami Satchidananda - A gentle practice that integrates hatha yoga with other yoga branches, such as karma yoga (selfless service) and bhakti yoga (devotion), and emphasizes union with God.
Classes include guided relaxation meditation, chanting and pranayama (breathing practices).
Ideal for people seeking a spiritual practice, and those with physical limitations.
Expect to feel blissful afterward.
5) Iyengar Developed by Sri B.
S Iyengar - A method that teaches awareness through attention to anatomical precision and alignment in poses.
Emphasizes healing physical ailments.
Poses are held longer than in other yoga styles.
Most classes include standing, seated, and twisting poses; backbends; and inversions.
Uses props as learning tools.
Expect detailed instruction.
6) Jivamukti Developed by Sharon Gannon and David Life - Based on the principles of bhakti yoga (devotion) and ahimsa (nonviolence).
Combines a vigorous flow practice with classic spiritual yoga philosophy.
Each class focuses on a spiritual theme supported by music, asana and pranayama.
Meditation and chanting are often included.
Expect to work hard and leave feeling uplifted.
7) Kripalu Developed by Swami Kripalu - A free- flowing form of yoga that is as much a meditation in motion as it is a series of asanas.
Supports relaxation and healing.
Classes can be dynamic or restorative, depending on the teacher.
Ideal for someone with physical limitation or someone interested in a meditation practice.
Expect to feel peaceful afterward.
8) Kundalini Developed by Yogi Bhajan - An energetic style of yoga composes of repetitive movements (like waving the arms) that differ from those in other styles and promote the release of kundalini power.
Classes focus on kriyas or sequences, designed therapeutic purpose and include relaxation, chanting and the repetition of mantras.
This yoga will push you beyond what you think your limits are.
9) Power Developed by Baron Baptiste - An American adaptation of Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga is a rigorous, dynamic practice.
One of the most physically challenging forms of yoga.
Poses can be advanced and held for long durations.
Classes can also be spiritually intense, in a nonpreachy way.
10) Sivananda Developed by Swami Vishnudevananda - A spiritually focused practice that emphasizes Vedanta philosophy and the recitation of mantras.
Incorporates techniques from all the yoga paths-karma, bhakti, raja, and jnana yoga.
Hatha practice focuses on 12 basic poses.
Also includes intense pranayama, ending in mantra meditation.
Classes last two hours.
Sanskrit definitely spoken here.
11) Viniyoga Developed by T.
V Desikachar - A method that emphasizes the unique needs of each individual.
Gives practitioners the tools to individualize and actualize the process of self-discovery and transformation.
A gentle, therapeutic, healing practice that places less emphasis on vigorous movement.
This practice is often taught one-on-one and is especially well suited for individuals with health problems.
12) Vinyasa Derivative of Ashtanga Yoga - This American innovation is more freeform than its progenitor, Ashtanga Yoga.
A flowing sequence of asanas coordinated with the breath.
Classes can be vigorous or meditative, depending on the teacher.
If you like doing yoga to music, this one's for you.
There are many styles of Yoga that are practiced today.
The different styles are all based on the same basic poses but they each differ slightly in their emphasis.
1) Anusara Developed by John Friend - A tantric-based system that combines attention to alignment with awareness of energy flow in the body in order for you to realize your divine nature.
Classes vary according to the creative direction of the teacher.
Each class begins with an invocation and has a heart-oriented theme.
Expect a friendly (pun intended) atmosphere, 2) Ashtanga Developed by Sri K.
Pattabhi Jois - A method in which a set series of poses is kinked by vinyasa (flowing movement) and synchronized with the breath, which produces intense internal heat and purifying sweat.
Students begin with the primary series and then move on once the poses have been mastered.
There are six series in all.
Classes are vigorous and challenging.
Expect to perspire.
3) Bikram Developed by Bikram Choudhury - A series of 26 poses and breathing exercises repeated twice in a room heated to 105 degrees.
The purpose is to warm up the muscles quickly and promote detoxification via sweat.
Most classes do not include inversions.
You will sweat more than you ever thought possible, so bring a bottle of water and towel with you.
Wear clothes that will let you perspire freely.
4) Integral Developed by Sri Swami Satchidananda - A gentle practice that integrates hatha yoga with other yoga branches, such as karma yoga (selfless service) and bhakti yoga (devotion), and emphasizes union with God.
Classes include guided relaxation meditation, chanting and pranayama (breathing practices).
Ideal for people seeking a spiritual practice, and those with physical limitations.
Expect to feel blissful afterward.
5) Iyengar Developed by Sri B.
S Iyengar - A method that teaches awareness through attention to anatomical precision and alignment in poses.
Emphasizes healing physical ailments.
Poses are held longer than in other yoga styles.
Most classes include standing, seated, and twisting poses; backbends; and inversions.
Uses props as learning tools.
Expect detailed instruction.
6) Jivamukti Developed by Sharon Gannon and David Life - Based on the principles of bhakti yoga (devotion) and ahimsa (nonviolence).
Combines a vigorous flow practice with classic spiritual yoga philosophy.
Each class focuses on a spiritual theme supported by music, asana and pranayama.
Meditation and chanting are often included.
Expect to work hard and leave feeling uplifted.
7) Kripalu Developed by Swami Kripalu - A free- flowing form of yoga that is as much a meditation in motion as it is a series of asanas.
Supports relaxation and healing.
Classes can be dynamic or restorative, depending on the teacher.
Ideal for someone with physical limitation or someone interested in a meditation practice.
Expect to feel peaceful afterward.
8) Kundalini Developed by Yogi Bhajan - An energetic style of yoga composes of repetitive movements (like waving the arms) that differ from those in other styles and promote the release of kundalini power.
Classes focus on kriyas or sequences, designed therapeutic purpose and include relaxation, chanting and the repetition of mantras.
This yoga will push you beyond what you think your limits are.
9) Power Developed by Baron Baptiste - An American adaptation of Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga is a rigorous, dynamic practice.
One of the most physically challenging forms of yoga.
Poses can be advanced and held for long durations.
Classes can also be spiritually intense, in a nonpreachy way.
10) Sivananda Developed by Swami Vishnudevananda - A spiritually focused practice that emphasizes Vedanta philosophy and the recitation of mantras.
Incorporates techniques from all the yoga paths-karma, bhakti, raja, and jnana yoga.
Hatha practice focuses on 12 basic poses.
Also includes intense pranayama, ending in mantra meditation.
Classes last two hours.
Sanskrit definitely spoken here.
11) Viniyoga Developed by T.
V Desikachar - A method that emphasizes the unique needs of each individual.
Gives practitioners the tools to individualize and actualize the process of self-discovery and transformation.
A gentle, therapeutic, healing practice that places less emphasis on vigorous movement.
This practice is often taught one-on-one and is especially well suited for individuals with health problems.
12) Vinyasa Derivative of Ashtanga Yoga - This American innovation is more freeform than its progenitor, Ashtanga Yoga.
A flowing sequence of asanas coordinated with the breath.
Classes can be vigorous or meditative, depending on the teacher.
If you like doing yoga to music, this one's for you.