Is The Weight You Lost Keep Coming Back?
Are you always struggling with overweight, loose it and gain it back?
Is the weight you lost keeping coming back? If yes then follow carefully what is in this article and stop that struggle. Wipe away your tears, because you now you can do something about it.
Here some things you do to stop overweight forever.
1. Avoid high fat foods, fried foods and high-carbohydrate foods. This means stop taking more energy than needed. Maintain healthy eating habits. Only eat when you are really hungry. Practice eating mini meals that consist of fruits, nuts and vegetable, they hardly add to your weight.
2. Exercise:Increase your physical activity: Start participating in any of the following e.g. do your own home cores, walking, skipping rope, swimming, bicycling, deep breathing and heavy massage. Any exercise that can bring on perspiration will help you stay slim.
3. Avoid negative emotion, anxiety, fear, hostility and insecurity plus stress. Develop positive outlook on life.
4. Learn to recognise foods that add weight when you eat them. Any food that taxes the body of insulin will increase your weight. So recognise which of the carbohydrates food does this.
5. Avoid foods make you over eats. When you keep such food at home they encourage you to eat more and so add weight.
6. Reduce the amount of food you eat daily or weekly.
7.Stop eating only cooked, add fruits and vegetable. Eating only cooked foods without fruits and vegetable help you add weight.
8. Recognise and stop any food that make you sleep after eating and this help your gain weight.
9. Stop talking, watching TV or anything else while eating. This makes you over eat without knowing and so add weight. If you talk or watch TV while you eat, you may not know when to stop eating and so overeats.
10. Do not take heavy snack before your next meal.
11. Drink at least 8 to 10 glass of water daily to help flush out waste and toxins from your system. Enought water will help you stay trim as you will evacuate daily and this will reduce your tummy.
12. Don't forget to add fibre fruits or food to your diet, it help you keep full longer, help you evacuate without stress and mumb up extra water you might be retaining that is showing up as weight gain.
13. Don't eat your meal when you want to go bed.
14.If the weight you have now is still not as you want it and will like to loose more, the grab a protein shake to replace two of your meals. You can replace breakfast and dinner with protein shake and loose weight faster. Take your main meal at lunch.
Note: Mini meals are light snack that help break the frequent hunger spell. Therefore, be careful here so as not to turn it to heavy snack before your next meal. A mini meal can just be 1/2 avocado with lemon juice(not sugar type-naturally prepared) or 1 egg with a slice of wheat bread, it could be fruits salad dress with lime and honey or fresh pinaeaple. It could be one or two watermelon slices or 1 cup of cubed pawpaw. It could be unsalt/sugar pop corn; a small grill chicken and lemon juice or fish with onions and lemon juice. A light snack is all you need; be creative, develop some mini meals based on fruits and vegetables of very little of what you usually eat.