Getting Girls in College
In a previous article, I spoke about how one of the most important aspects of getting laid in college is having a strong, impressive social circle.
This starts from your very first day and you should push to try and make friends with everyone, then focus your time hanging out with guys and girls who will help your cause.
But what do you do once you have a good social circle? Having a good social circle is an excellent start.
It will naturally mean you get invited to more parties and events, and naturally hang out with more girls.
But how do you get those girls attracted to you and actually get them into bed? There are many ways to get a girl attracted to you.
There are a number attraction switches that girls respond to.
One of the easiest ways is to spike her emotions.
You spike a girls emotions by being playful, being a challenge and teasing.
Not having boring conversations, telling interesting stories and in general being an interesting guy.
Don't be judgmental and don't be needy.
These are all quite advanced concepts that can't be covered in a single article.
One thing to note, if you want to hook up with a girl at a party or event, make sure you isolate her first.
Because everyone knows everyone else, you don't want to be making moves and getting blown out in front of everyone.
Tell her to come for a walk with you or ask for her number to set up a date, if she doesn't agree, that's a good sign of her not being attracted to you in the first place.
Another important attraction switch, especially important to college is 'buzz'.
Buzz is what happens when other people talk about you when you are not there (in a positive way obviously).
Buzz is super important in college, because it can work while you are sleeping and can work with multiple girls.
If you did something cool and a party, if you hosted a party, if you made out with a girl, got into a fight, did something and other people are talking about it while you are not there, this will build attraction with the girls who hear about you.
This isn't the easiest thing to achieve but it will pay off if you do it right.