How to Trace Harassing Phone Calls
- 1). Use Your Resources. Go to the phone company you subscribe to for service and ask for help. It is in your best interest to call and report the harassing calls to the phone company. You want to have the calls on file in the event that the poilce have to get involved. Explain the type of calls you are receiving so that it can be handled correctly. They will only agree to put a trace on your phone if you are receive these calls regularly. When calls become threatening contact the police immediately and report them.
- 2). If you are getting these calls on a regularly, the phone company will set up a trap and trace device on your line which will record the offending caller's number. You will be required to keep a log of the calls you are receiving; you will also have to keep notes on the time, how long they last and if there is any change in the type of calls you are receiving. With callerID and technology on the rise this step isn't used as often.
- 3). Seek Private Help. You have the option of going to a private company, you can subscribe to a Call Trace. This company charges a fee and it has to be set up on your phone before it will work. With this service you do not have to keep a call log, instead you immediately dial *57 on your phone and the call is automatically traced.