Home Remedy for Bladder Pain
- Many foods are beneficial in the relief of bladder pain. Cucumber juice is a natural diuretic, which helps flush the bacteria out of the bladder with frequent urination. Drink eight ounces of the juice a day to increase urination. Cranberry juice is a popular home remedy, because it contains hippuric acid that helps fight bacterial growth in the bladder. While 100 percent cranberry juice is very effective, you can also use cranberry supplements. Take the capsules with eight ounces of water, and continue drinking fluids throughout the day to increase bladder cleansing.
- Submerging the pelvis in warm water and applying warmth to the bladder as needed may be done for a few days, which is usually the length of time the bacterial infection takes to clear up. A warm bath free of soap or bubbles can help relieve the symptoms. Applying a warm towel or hot compress to the bladder area can also help.
- Some measures, including proper hygiene, can help prevent bladder infection. Women especially should make sure they wipe from front to back after using the bathroom to prevent the spread of bacteria to the urinary tract.
Both men and women should keep the genital area dry to prevent irritation, and women should avoid the use of perfumes, bubble baths and other products near the area.
If you have bladder pain lasting longer than three or four days, speak to a doctor about antibiotic treatment. In some cases, bladder pain may be caused by underlying medical issues such as a sexually transmitted disease like chlamydia or a kidney or urinary tract infection.