How to Make a Canopy Bed for an American Girl Doll
- 1). Separate box lids and bottoms.
- 2). Lay one top on floor, open side up.
- 3). Insert narrow end of box bottom into the left end of the box top, forming a standing L-shape. The open side of the box should face inward.
- 4). Repeat steps 1-3 with the other box.
- 5). Turn one L-shape so that it forms a standing 7-shape, with the narrow end of the box on the floor. The open sides should face inward.
- 6). Insert the base of the 7-shape into the right end of the L-shape. This will now be a U-shape.
- 7). Insert the top of the L-shape into the left end of the top of the 7-shape. You will now have an open rectangle that looks like a picture frame.
- 8). Insert foam batting into the base of the frame. This is the mattress.
- 9). Decorate your canopy bed as you wish. You may want to cover the box with fabric, stickers, lace or ribbons.