How to Give a Dog a Massage on the Hips
- 1). Place a cushion on the surface of the floor where you intend to give the massage to make the floor more comfortable for the dog.
- 2). Have the dog lie down on the cushion.
- 3). Using a massaging pet brush (available in pet stores or online), brush the dog's entire body. This relaxes the dog so he will be more prepared for the hip massage.
- 4). Gently pet the dog's hip area. After the dog is relaxed from petting, begin to gently knead the hip area.
- 5). As you need, move your fingers in small circles. Gradually begin to move in larger circles.
- 6). Finally, place your hand on the thigh and hold that muscle group for a few moments. Do not apply pressure, just allow your hand to rest there. This is a practice called passive touch. After using passive touch on both thighs, do the same thing on each hip to finish the massage.