Lower High Blood Pressure Naturally - Healthier! Better Sex! Lose Weight! Kill 3 Birds With 1 Stone
You can lower high blood pressure naturally and become healthier, enjoy better sex and lose up to 30 pounds of body fat! That is like killing 3 birds with one stone! But how? By throwing away your high blood pressure medication.
But before your meds see the bottom of the garbage can, you should begin your hypertension natural treatment to normalize your blood pressure.
In the process of this natural treatment, you will notice yourself feeling healthier, enjoying better sex and you will also notice your clothes feeling loser! This article will show you why millions are choosing to lower high blood pressure naturally! Normalizing Blood Pressure Naturally by Eating Like a Chimp The show called 'The Truth about Food' recently aired and supported my company's lower high blood pressure naturally.
The show made hypertension sufferers spend about 14 days in a zoo where they ate like chimpanzees.
Their diet would consist of foods that chimps ate: fresh fruit, vegetables and some foliage.
Though very humorous, all participants reduced their high blood pressure dramatically, lowered cholesterol and lost weight.
Some even lost 15 pounds in two weeks! And remarkably, high blood pressure numbers dropped by 10%.
Cholesterol levels dropped 25% and an average of 10 pounds per participant was lost in 2 weeks.
This taught me something! High Blood Pressure can be Cured Naturally! This funny show proved what two weeks could do to lower high blood pressure! Imagine what adding the right vitamins, minerals, supplements, herbs and exercising could do? After the show, I went to my computer and reread our company's High Blood Pressure Remedy Report and was astonished! The show covered about 10% of things (dieting) that people should do if they suffer from high blood pressure! Here are a few other recommendations from our remedy report! 1.
Potassium- Duke Researchers found that getting more potassium could lower blood pressure by 20 points for high blood pressure sufferers.
Calcium- The DASH diet (diet for high blood pressure sufferers) recommends Calcium and so do we! We recommend getting 1,250 mg of calcium a day for reducing blood clots and reducing blood pressure.
What vitamins should you take? - Many vitamins have been shown to lower hypertension scores.
These vitamins have been researched to be effective, vitamins C, E, B5, B6 and folic acid.
Your Total Health! Your body is one organism that works together to keep everything running at optimal levels.
By suffering from high blood pressure, many other parts of your body are also suffering! Including your sex life (which is caused by blood circulation) and your weight.
By treating hypertension naturally, many of our customers have cured their impotence, lost body fat and felt years younger! Normalizing your score is simple because it can be done in days! However, by continually being conscientious about your high blood pressure, you can become the person you want to be in weeks or months!
But before your meds see the bottom of the garbage can, you should begin your hypertension natural treatment to normalize your blood pressure.
In the process of this natural treatment, you will notice yourself feeling healthier, enjoying better sex and you will also notice your clothes feeling loser! This article will show you why millions are choosing to lower high blood pressure naturally! Normalizing Blood Pressure Naturally by Eating Like a Chimp The show called 'The Truth about Food' recently aired and supported my company's lower high blood pressure naturally.
The show made hypertension sufferers spend about 14 days in a zoo where they ate like chimpanzees.
Their diet would consist of foods that chimps ate: fresh fruit, vegetables and some foliage.
Though very humorous, all participants reduced their high blood pressure dramatically, lowered cholesterol and lost weight.
Some even lost 15 pounds in two weeks! And remarkably, high blood pressure numbers dropped by 10%.
Cholesterol levels dropped 25% and an average of 10 pounds per participant was lost in 2 weeks.
This taught me something! High Blood Pressure can be Cured Naturally! This funny show proved what two weeks could do to lower high blood pressure! Imagine what adding the right vitamins, minerals, supplements, herbs and exercising could do? After the show, I went to my computer and reread our company's High Blood Pressure Remedy Report and was astonished! The show covered about 10% of things (dieting) that people should do if they suffer from high blood pressure! Here are a few other recommendations from our remedy report! 1.
Potassium- Duke Researchers found that getting more potassium could lower blood pressure by 20 points for high blood pressure sufferers.
Calcium- The DASH diet (diet for high blood pressure sufferers) recommends Calcium and so do we! We recommend getting 1,250 mg of calcium a day for reducing blood clots and reducing blood pressure.
What vitamins should you take? - Many vitamins have been shown to lower hypertension scores.
These vitamins have been researched to be effective, vitamins C, E, B5, B6 and folic acid.
Your Total Health! Your body is one organism that works together to keep everything running at optimal levels.
By suffering from high blood pressure, many other parts of your body are also suffering! Including your sex life (which is caused by blood circulation) and your weight.
By treating hypertension naturally, many of our customers have cured their impotence, lost body fat and felt years younger! Normalizing your score is simple because it can be done in days! However, by continually being conscientious about your high blood pressure, you can become the person you want to be in weeks or months!