Use Your Workout to Beat The Blues
Ever have one of those days where you just don't feel like getting out of bed? Feeling kind of blue and down in the dumps and would rather just skip out on life than bother?
Well, I'm here to tell you that's exactly what you SHOULD do (and then some) in order to beat that feeling of "having the blues".
One of the most mood elevating things you can do for yourself when you're having 'one of those days' is to get up, get out and get a good workout in.
Yup, that's right. Do the exact opposite of what you FEEL like doing and you will almost definitely FEEL BETTER at the end of it.
It's been proven time and time again that working out gets your endorphins racing and increases levels of serotonin in your brain, which in turn elevates your mood.
So get outside (or stay inside at the gym if you must, but I highly recommend getting fresh air for getting a good mood on). Once you're there, START MOVING.
There's so many ways to get exercise that I can't even barely begin to list them all here. But here's a few suggestions:
You could go for a quick powerwalk, run or a bicycle ride. Rollerblading or cross-country skiing are good ideas too.
If you can find a beautiful place to do your cardio, like a beach, a wooded trail or a snowy mountaintop, that's going to help too. Who doesn't feel great at the beach, on a mountain or in the woods? It doesn't even have to be a very long session to get that mood elevating effect. Twenty minutes should do the trick.
Or try lifting some weights or doing some bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges and pushups if you don't have any formal strength training equipment.
You can even combine the cardio component and the strength training component by doing some supercircuits with things like burpees and mountain climbers that get your heart racing but give your muscles a pump at the same time.
Even swimming can be fun and get that body moving and that heart rate up sufficiently. Do a few laps at the pool or down at the beach.
The trick here is to get your breathing and heart rate up, your blood pumping and your body moving. The harder you can get your body, heart and lungs heart working the better you are going to feel.
Heck use your imagination and get childish about it. Find some fun things to do, preferably with kids or animals!! Run, jump, play fetch with your dog, chase a Frisbee or jump through a sprinkler with your kids. Heck, go to the playground with them and climb the monkey bars, swing on the swings, go down the slide, push the carousel or just run amok.
It doesn't take long for a downer mood to turn into a fabulous mood once you get that body moving and those endorphins doing their job. So don't be a victim to the blues anymore. Get out there and do battle... and feel BETTER!
If you need more great workout ideas to help you combat the blues check out my Truth About Six Pack Abs Review.
Well, I'm here to tell you that's exactly what you SHOULD do (and then some) in order to beat that feeling of "having the blues".
One of the most mood elevating things you can do for yourself when you're having 'one of those days' is to get up, get out and get a good workout in.
Yup, that's right. Do the exact opposite of what you FEEL like doing and you will almost definitely FEEL BETTER at the end of it.
It's been proven time and time again that working out gets your endorphins racing and increases levels of serotonin in your brain, which in turn elevates your mood.
So get outside (or stay inside at the gym if you must, but I highly recommend getting fresh air for getting a good mood on). Once you're there, START MOVING.
There's so many ways to get exercise that I can't even barely begin to list them all here. But here's a few suggestions:
You could go for a quick powerwalk, run or a bicycle ride. Rollerblading or cross-country skiing are good ideas too.
If you can find a beautiful place to do your cardio, like a beach, a wooded trail or a snowy mountaintop, that's going to help too. Who doesn't feel great at the beach, on a mountain or in the woods? It doesn't even have to be a very long session to get that mood elevating effect. Twenty minutes should do the trick.
Or try lifting some weights or doing some bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges and pushups if you don't have any formal strength training equipment.
You can even combine the cardio component and the strength training component by doing some supercircuits with things like burpees and mountain climbers that get your heart racing but give your muscles a pump at the same time.
Even swimming can be fun and get that body moving and that heart rate up sufficiently. Do a few laps at the pool or down at the beach.
The trick here is to get your breathing and heart rate up, your blood pumping and your body moving. The harder you can get your body, heart and lungs heart working the better you are going to feel.
Heck use your imagination and get childish about it. Find some fun things to do, preferably with kids or animals!! Run, jump, play fetch with your dog, chase a Frisbee or jump through a sprinkler with your kids. Heck, go to the playground with them and climb the monkey bars, swing on the swings, go down the slide, push the carousel or just run amok.
It doesn't take long for a downer mood to turn into a fabulous mood once you get that body moving and those endorphins doing their job. So don't be a victim to the blues anymore. Get out there and do battle... and feel BETTER!
If you need more great workout ideas to help you combat the blues check out my Truth About Six Pack Abs Review.